(The third and fourth
Constituents of Salat)
Q. What is the minimum requirement in ruku’?

Q. What is the masnun way to perform ruku’?

Q. How should a person, bent double with old
age or a hump-back whose back already has assumed the same posture as is
necessary for ruku’, perform the ruku’?

Q. What do we mean by Sijdah (prostration)?

Q. Is it permissible for a person to get
away by placing either his nose or forehead on the ground (instead of both) in

Q. How many Sijdahs are commanded in each
rak’ah, one or two?

Q. What should a person do if both his nose
and forehead are affected by wound or injury?

Q. How long should a person wait before
going to the second Sijdah after the first?

Q. Is a person allowed to do the Sijdah on the
back of another person performing the same act in front of him on occasions
like the two ‘Ids or on Friday or any other day of large gathering?

LAST SITTING (qa’da ahirah)
(Fifth pre-constituent for
Q. How much time should one spend in his
last sitting?

Q. In which Salats is the last sitting

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