Friday, 29 November 2024



 Quranic Foundations And Structure Of Muslim Society


1.                   Concept of God: Monotheistic. The Islamic deity is not merely ‘god’ (ilah) but ‘the GOD’ (Allaah). He is not merely an object of ritualistic worship, but the Possessor of all the dimensions of Highest Excellence,—indeed, of Absolute Perfection. He is the Fountainhead of all Values and Ideals. He is the Omnipotent, the Omniscient, the Omnipresent, the Infinite, the Absolute, the One and the Indivisible God, Who neither incarnates nor has any Partner or Son or Compeer. He is Transcendent in His Being and Immanent in the cosmos through His Love, Knowledge and Power. He is the Creator, the Sustainer, the Nourisher and the Evolver of everything that constitutes the cosmos, equally. He is the Righteous God Who bestows no special favour on any individual or community on the basis of such distinctions as those of race or colour—nay, even in respect of mere formal labels of ‘creed’.

2.       Outlook: Universalistic and Integralistic on the basis of spiritual orientation of human life.

3.      Standpoint: Dynamic and Comprehensive.

4.       Ideal: Realisation of the status of Vicegerency of God for entire humanity.

5.                   Standard of Behaviour: Integralistic and Comprehensive, in terms of the concept of ‘Fulfilment’ and on the basis of the Model of  Comprehensive Human Perfection enshrined in the Personality of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Peace be on him!).

6.                   Mission: Establishment of all that is good for human beings and eradication of all that is evil, on the basis of godliness and unity of humankind.

7.                   Programme: Constant spiritual, moral and intellectual struggle (JihÉd) for the fulfilment of the above mission, in terms of: (1) conquest of the Lower Self by the Higher Self ; (2) conquest of Evil by Good in respect of Social Order ; (3) conquest of Nature for the realisation of ‘Vicegerency of God’.


The foregoing discussion reveals two important facts. Firstly, the Qur’anic System of Guidance, or, Islam, is grounded in religious approach. It is basically religion—religion par excellence, in the broader sense as well as in the narrower, or, strict, sense—namely, as implying ‘belief in a higher unseen controlling power, with the emotion and morality connected with it’.[1] Hence, it cannot be viewed merely in terms of a conceptual philosophy or a social doctrine. Secondly, it is unique as regards its normative as well as structural dimensions. In other words, Islam is religion, but at the same time it stands as a masculine challenge to the generally accepted notions of religion. This very basic characteristic of Islam emerges more and more prominently as we proceed in our study.


[1] Chambers’s Twentieth Century Dictionary, section ‘R’.


to be continued . . . . . 

Quranic Foundation & Structure Of Muslim Society In The End Times

Friday, 22 November 2024



 Quranic Foundations And Structure Of Muslim Society


(a)   Christianity:

1.       Concept of God: Monotheistic, with the concept of a Compound Deity—the Triune God, consisting of three Persons: the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost.

2.       Outlook: Mystical, earthly life being conceived as   incompatible with human yearnings.

3.       Standpoint: Mystical.

4.       Ideal: Salvation of the individual in the life-after-death.

5.       Standard of Behaviour: Ascetic. In fact, no standard of behaviour or principle of evaluation is needed, because it would necessitate obedience to Law and thus annul the efficacy of Atonement. 

6.       Mission: To lead its followers into Divine Grace through the mystery of Vicarious Atonement.

7.       Programme: Ritualistic and Ascetic exercise for the attainment of ‘saintliness’.


(b)   Judaism:

1.       Concept of God: Monotheistic, with the concept of a Single Deity—leaning towards Anthropomorphism and the notion of a Racial Deity.

2.       Outlook: This-worldly, adjusted with the vested interests of  the Israelites.

3.       Standpoint: Legalistic and Racialistic.

4.       Ideal: Salvation of the Israelite race alone.

5.       Standard of Behaviour: Pragmatic and bearing reference to the interests of the race.

6.       Mission: Welfare of the narrow group.

7.       Programme: Struggle for making the Israelites the dominant race in respect of their being the ‘Chosen People of God’.



to be continued . . . . . 

Quranic Foundation & Structure Of Muslim Society In The End Times