
Sunday 19 February 2023

Gog Magog possess extraordinary military power


An Islamic View of Gog Magog in the Modern World

They possess extraordinary military power (Qur’an and Hadith)


The Qur’an has clearly depicted Gog and Magog as people who possess extraordinary military power. It did so in the passage of Surah al-Kahf in which Dhul Qarnain was informed about their Fasad (i.e. corrupt, wicked, unjust and oppressive conduct) and was requested to build a barrier, which would protect the people from that Fasad. This request came after he had previously traveled to both East and West. On his journey westwards he had come across people concerning whom Allah Most High had enquired how he would treat them. His response was to declare that he would punish those who committed acts of Dhulm (i.e. injustice and oppression). And since the Qur’an further declared that he had been divinely bestowed with the capacity (and that includes power most of all) to pursue whatever objective he chose, his normal and natural response should have been one of inflicting punishment on Gog and Magog. 


The fact that Dhul Qarnain did not attempt to punish Gog and Magog but, rather, agreed to build a barrier with which to contain them, indicates that they possessed a military power which he could not subdue.


The ominous implication is that when Gog and Magog are released into the world by divine decree, they would take control of the world while wielding a unique military power. They would project power that could not possibly be matched by any power combination or alliance in the world.


The Ahadith confirm this profile of Gog and Magog which has emerged from the blessed Qur’an. In a Hadith al-Qudsi recorded in the Sahih of Imam Muslim Allah Most High is reported to have said about Gog and Magog:

 “I have created servants of mine so powerful that none but I can wage war on them.” (Sahih Muslim)


It should therefore be clear that when Gog and Magog are released into the world by Divine decree they would eventually become the ruling power in the world since no combination of rivals could possibly match their power. Mankind would then be subjected to the Gog and Magog world-order!


to be continued . . . .

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