
Sunday 12 February 2023

Gog Magog are a double-faced people who are capable of swift motion


An Islamic View of Gog Magog in the Modern World

They are a double-faced people who are capable of swift motion (Qur’an semantics)

‘Ya’juj’ and ‘Ma’juj’ are names used in the blessed Qur’an for Gog and Magog. Dr Tammam Adi, the Qur’an semanticist, has pointed out that they are two word-forms from the Arabic root “hamza jeem jeem” that grammatically denote the active tense (ya’juj) and passive tense (ma’juj). This could indicate their characterization as a double-faced people with conduct that ‘ebbs and flows’. 

  • They ‘attack’ and ‘occupy’ (Ya’juj) and then feign ‘withdrawal’ (Ma’juj). 
  • They commit ‘aggression’ (Ya’juj) and then pose as ‘peacemakers’ or as ‘victims of aggression’ (Ma’juj). 
  • They ‘violate’ (Ya’juj) and then ‘pacify’ (Ma’juj). 
  • They pose as ‘religious people’ (Ya’juj) when in fact they are devoid of faith and essentially ‘godless’ (Ma’juj).


The Qur’an itself has very significantly commenced with a warning of precisely such double-faced people:          

“And when they are told, ‘Do not commit Fasad on Earth,’ they answer,

‘We are but peacemakers!’ Oh, verily, it is they, they who are committing Fasad, 

but they perceive it not.” (Qur’an, al-Baqarah, 2:11-12)


“And when they meet those who have faith (in Allah Most High), they assert, ‘We believe (as you believe)’; but when they find themselves alone with their Satanic comrades, they say, ‘Verily, we are with you; we were only feigning (faith)!’  (Qur’an, al-Baqarah, 2:14)


The grammarians have also pointed out that Ya'juj (Gog) and Ma'juj (Magog) are derived in the Arabic language from ‘ajj’ or ‘ajij’ in the grammatical forms of yaf'ul and maf`ul. ‘Ajij’ means ‘harshness’, ‘the flaming of fire’, but ‘ajja’ also means ‘asra`a’ or ‘he walked fast’, hence Ya'juj (Gog) and Ma'juj are a people characterized by swiftness of motion and intense agitation. One sees evidence in the accumulation of medals at Olympic Games of people who invariably humble the rest of mankind combined. But evidence also exists of the combination of ‘flaming fire’ and ‘swiftness of motion’ when those same people wage their barbarian wars of aggression and oppression through which they succeed in unjustly occupying and colonizing the greater part of the Earth. 


Perhaps the most dangerous of their double-faced antics is their pretense to be people within the fold of religion when in fact they are essentially godless people. They despise true religion as well as those who would sincerely live the religious way of life while striving to attain to piety and righteousness.


Since Ya’juj or Gog is in the active tense (in the Arabic language), and Majuj or Magog is in the passive tense, it follows that in a contest between the two, Gog will eventually prevail over Magog. This book will attempt to identify both Ya’juj (Gog) and Majuj (Magog) in today’s world, and in so doing it will offer a glimpse of the end of history when a gigantic (Armageddon) clash between the two will take place. 

to be continued . . . .

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