
Sunday 26 February 2023

Gog Magog use ‘power’ to oppress


An Islamic View of Gog Magog in the Modern World

They use ‘power’ to oppress (Qur’an)

Surah al-Kahf of the Qur’an has provided us with a description of how power was used when it was founded on faith (in Allah Most High). Dhul Qarnain possessed faith in Allah Most High to such an extent that Allah established his rule on Earth and bestowed on him the means to achieve whatever objective he chose to pursue. Allah Most High even spoke to him and addressed him by name while offering him a choice of using power to punish or to use in a manner which was kind and gracious. His choice and response (see al-Kahf, 18:87-8 above) was unambiguously based on values and integrity. 


Dhul Qarnain’s use of power was again described in Surah al-Kahf in a second instance where he encountered a people “for whom We (Allah) had provided no cover other than that (i.e. naturally provided).” His response was to respect their human rights and to unconditionally recognize the precedence of such rights over all other interests regardless of their primitive way of life and regardless of even such strategic interests as the acquisition of territory, mining for diamonds and gold, extracting (Caspian) oil resources, etc. He left them as they were.  


But the use of the name ‘Dhul Qarnain’ (i.e. he who possesses two horns, or he of two ages) in Surah al-Kahf indicated, in our opinion, the existence of ‘two’ ages, one described in the Surah, and another to which the Surah implicitly directed attention. The second age that was to come, in consequence of which the term ‘Dhul Qarnain’ (i.e. pertaining to two ages) was divinely used in the Surah, would emerge when Gog and Magog were released by divine decree. The world would then witness power founded on godlessness rather than faith in Allah Most High. Power would then be used in a manner completely opposite to that of Dhul Qarnain. 


Instead of power being used to punish the oppressor, it would rather be used to oppress and target those who have faith (in Allah Most High) and whose conduct is righteous. The world would then witness war on ‘Islam’ in particular, and on the ‘religious way of life’ in general. Secondly, those who possess power would not care a fig-leaf for human rights. Instead, they would exterminate and oppress even the weakest of human beings (who live a primitive way of life) like cockroaches as they unjustly seize control of territory or resources such as diamonds, gold, oil, water, etc. 


Gog and Magog would be people whose profile of conduct is anarchical, aggressive and oppressive.
to be continued . . . .

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