
Saturday 6 November 2021

Ruling and Judging by other than Allah's Law

The Shirk of Voting to Man-Made Law

The matter of ruling and judging by other than what Allah (swt) has revealed, is greater than simply one of disobedience in a single action. Rather, Allah (swt) has likened it to following another God besides Him (swt) i.e. Shirk (the association of partners with Allah). Allah (swt) has said,

“They imitate the sayings of the disbelievers, Allah (swt)'s curse be on them, how they are deluded away from the truth; They took their Rabbis and their Monks to be their Lords and Legislators besides Allah (swt) and took the Messiah, the son of Mary, while they were commanded to worship, obey and follow none but one God/Allah; none has the right to be worshipped or followed and to legislate but he, praise and glory be to him from having the partners they associate with him.” [EMQ 9:30-31]

Although we know that the Jews and Christians do not prostrate, nor bow down to their priests or rabbis, they followed them and agreed with them when matters that Allah (swt) had declared forbidden, they would declare allowed; and matters declared allowed, their priests would declare forbidden. In fact the above ayah was revealed in the following circumstances.

It has been reported by Hudhayfah in Ahmad, Tirmidhi and Ibn Jareer that the Messenger Muhammad (saw) was reciting the above verse and Udayy (ra) said to Him (saw), 'Oh Rasool Allah, they do not worship the Rabbis and the Monks' To which He (saw) replied: 'The Rabbis and Monks make that which is lawful unlawful and that which is unlawful lawful and they i.e. the people, follow them, and by doing so they worship them'

Allah (swt) and the Prophet (saw) therefore considered that as making them lords and gods besides Allah (swt), because the obedience (taa'ah) in legislation is worship, and must not be for anyone except Allah (swt).  

In addition, Allah (swt) says in another explicit verse that obeying any man-made system knowingly with consent for its source, different to Allah (swt) is an act of apostasy. For Allah (swt) says,
”Eat not, Oh believers, of that meat on which Allah (swt)'s name has not been pronounced at the time of slaughtering the animal, for surely it is Fisq (a sin and disobedience of Allah) and certainly the evil do inspire their friends to dispute with you and if you were to obey them by making a dead (un-slaughtered) animal lawful and eating it, then you would indeed be Mushrikoun (polytheists)” [EMQ 6:121]

As for the circumstances of this verse, it has been reported in Al-Haakim upon the authority of Ibn Abbas (ra) that this verse was addressing Muslims when a group of Mushriks were debating with them on the issue of legislating. The Mushriks said:

'You call the sheep upon which the name of Allah has not been mentioned; dead, who is the one who killed her? 'The Muslims said, 'Allah' So they replied, 'So what Allah has killed or slaughtered by a golden knife is haram and what you have slaughtered with a metal knife is halaal?'

To which Allah (swt) revealed the above ayah. The above ayah and its circumstances are quite explicit in its distinction between committing a prohibited (haram) action and actually following the kuffar when they rule against Allah's (swt) pronouncement on any matter.

Committing any prohibited deed results in sin which will be accounted for on the Day of Judgment. However, when Allah (swt) has declared a particular matter haram or prohibited, if one where to obey and follow those who disregard the ruling and say that it is allowed, then by doing this action it constitutes commiting Shirk (associating partners with Allah) and one becomes a Mushrik. As Allah (swt) says, "and if you were to obey them by making a dead (un-slaughtered) animal lawful and eating it, then you would indeed be Mushrikoun." Shirk being the gravest of sins since Allah (swt) has said about this,

"Allah (swt) does not forgive Shirk (making partners with Allah (swt)) but He (swt) forgives what is less than that to whomever His (swt) wills." [EMQ 4:40]

In another manifest ayah in the Qur'an Allah (swt) says,

“Or have they partners with Allah, who have legislated for them what Allah (swt) has not decreed and had it not been for a decisive word the matter would have been judged between them and verily for the Polytheists and wrongdoers there is a painful torment” [EMQ 42:21]

Moreover we know very well that Allah (swt) says:

”And He made none share in his decision or rule” [EMQ 18:26]

It is well known in Islam that any law different to the law of Allah (swt) is Taghut (anything worshipped followed and obeyed other then Allah (swt)), Allah rejects us to even refer to Taghut,

“Have you seen those who claim that they believe in that which has been sent down to you and that which has been sent down before you and they wish to go for judgement in their dispute to the Taghut i.e. false Judges etc. while they have been ordered to reject them but Shaytaan wishes to lead them far astray” [EMQ 4:60]

In addition, Allah (swt) has ordered us to reject the Kufr openly and declare our enmity towards it (bara'a) as did the Prophet Ibraheem (as) when he (as) said,

"We are through with you and those you worship other than Allah. We reject you. Enmity and hatred have come between you and us forever, unless you believe in Allah the One."  [EMQ 60:4]

to be continued . . . .

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