
Saturday 30 October 2021

The Purpose of Mankind

The Shirk of Voting to Man-Made Law

Before one deals with the secondary matters of mankind's actions, one must remember the very purpose why mankind has been created. By knowing our purpose, we will become cognizant of our cause and what our actions should be. Allah (swt) has said,
 "I have not created the jinns and men but to worship Me." [EMQ 51:56]

Allah (swt) has also said,
"To every community we have sent an apostle saying: worship Allah, and Keep away from all other deities" [An-Nahl:36] 
From these two ayah and their tafaseer, it becomes evident that the only purpose Allah (swt) created us was for His worship and the pinnacle of worship is to declare belief in the Tawheed (oneness) of Allah (swt) in His Names, Actions and Attributes and disbelief and rejection of all other forms of gods and laws. Therefore as Muslims we must direct our prayers, our du'a (supplications), our tawaaf (circuits of the kaa'ba), our siyaam (fasting), in fact all of our actions to Allah (swt) alone as that is our purpose of creation. Ruling and judging also comes under the jurisdiction of actions which should be performed for Allah's (swt) sake alone as Allah (swt) has said,"Verily the absolute right of legislating is for none but Allah (swt)" [EMQ 12:40]

And Allah (swt) says,
"It is unlawful for the Believers male or female if Allah and His Messenger decree a command to have any choice but to abide with it and whosoever disobeys Allah or his Messenger went astray in plain misguidance" [EMQ 33:36]

to be continued . . . .

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