
Saturday 13 November 2021

The Nature of Democracy

The Shirk of Voting to Man-Made Law

It has become well established amongst the people what the nature of Democracy is and from where it has been derived from. We will touch briefly on this matter. The word democracy is of Greek construct, emanating from two root words, Demos and cracy. Demos being the Greek word for "people" and cracy being the word for "ruling" or "legislation." Consequently, the complete reading means, "the rule of the people". 
In fact amongst the callers towards this thought we hear the oft repeated phrase, "Democracy is the rule of the people, by the people, for the people." Consequently, the sovereignty in democracy is for the people and their desires (hawaa). If the people deem by majority opinion that alcohol should be permitted (in society) and is actually a good thing then this would be accepted as law (qanoon). In addition if people deem that prostitution, gambling, paedophilia, killing Muslims (as in the illegal wars on Afghanistan and Iraq) , homosexuality etc. is beneficial for the people, then through the process of majority voting, these and other motions would be accepted and implemented as law, such that the people can judge and live by them. The question we need to ask is this allowed in Islam? Allah (swt) has said quite clearly,

"Judge between them by what has been revealed by Allah, and do not follow their whims and desires, and beware of them lest they lead you away from the guidance sent down to you by God." [EMQ 5:49]

And we have mentioned numerous clear-cut, non disputable evidences that the law is only for Allah (swt) and that Allah (swt) is the Supreme Legislator (Al-Musharri). How then can Islam be compatible with Democracy? How then can one engage in the process of voting or choosing an MP within such a system? A system that disregards the commandments of Allah (swt); a system that performs istihlaal (making halal what Allah (swt) has declared haram), changing the orders of Allah (swt); Democracy is a system (nizaam) that says to Allah (swt) "Our majority judgement is better and more wiser than what You (the Creator of man life and the universe) have sent to us in your Qur'an and in the Sunnah of Your Prophet (saw).

Allah (swt) also orders us to refer to the Deen of Islam solely in all our matters and not the law of the people,"And if you have a dispute in any matter then refer it to Allah (swt) and the Messenger (saw), if you believe in Allah (swt) and the Last Day. This is better for you and the best of settlements." [EMQ 4:59]

As for those so-called Muslim MPs residing within the parliament and their defense that they only wish to present the Islamic opinion on the matter whilst in the setting of making law and legislating, we say to them, fear Allah (swt), and keep your lies and deceptive poison to yourself. In fact Allah (swt) has ordered the Muslims to leave any place where people mock His ayah (verses). He (swt) has said,
"And it has already been revealed to you in the Book (this Qur'an) that when you hear the Verses of Allah being denied and mocked at, then sit not with  them, until they engage in a talk other than that; (but if you stayed with them) certainly in that case you would be like them. Surely, Allah will collect the hypocrites and disbelievers all together in Hell." [EMQ 4:140]

Is it not a mockery to the Deen of Islam when people gather together and comment over the Hukm (ruling) of Allah (swt)? Is it not a mockery to the Deen when people decide to make pornography legal? Is it not mockery when people gather together to decide that the age of consent of Homosexuality should be decreased from 18 years to 16? Is it not mockery when so-called Muslims arbitrate to the Kufr man-made law in his own discussion whilst neglecting the law of Allah? Indeed this is all mockery to the Deen, to Allah (swt) and to his Messenger (saws).

"..(but if you stayed with them whilst they mocked Allah certainly in that case you would be like them." [EMQ 4:140]

In fact the Ulema of the Deen of Islam, those committed to Tawheed and following the manhaj (method) of the As-Salaf us-Saalih have declared participating in such a process is Shirk Akbar the greatest form of Shirk that takes one outside the fold of Islam. As for the Ulema of the Sultan (state), the Ulema of the Dirham and the Dinaar, they believe that selling the Deen for a few thousand pounds or for a car or for an "Islamic centre" is more important than what Allah (swt) says, then what more can be said, except fear Allah (swt) and await your seat in the fire. As for those who follow these 'everything-goes' fataawa, citing difference of opinion in their justification we remind you of what Allah (swt) has said,

"When those who were followed will disclaim those who followed them, and seeing the torment, all ties between them shall be severed, And the followers will say, "Could we live but once again we would leave them as they have abandoned us now" Allah will show them thus their deeds, and fill them with remorse, but never shall they find release from the Fire" [EMQ 2:166-167].

to be continued . . . .

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