
Friday 7 April 2017

Synthesis of Iman

Synthesis of Iman
(Discourse on Al-e-`Imran, 3:190-195)

English Translation by
Adnan Rehman
Markazi Anjuman Khuddam ul Qur’an
Among the most prominent factors leading to the continuing decline of the Muslim ummah is the shift of emphasis among the Muslims from metaphysical pursuits to material concerns. The modern Muslim intellectuals – spellbound by the material progress and dazzling exterior of the western civilization and dismayed by the inability, indeed the sheer refusal, of the `ulama to counter the western philosophical onslaught – sought to uplift the Muslims from their woeful predicament and prescribed the medicine of modernization. The process of modernization is rooted in scientism – the belief that the Ultimate Reality can only be arrived at via the scientific method of investigation. The scientific method is limited to the sensorial, material realm and denies, or at least is skeptical of, the spiritual, metaphysical dimension of life.

The belief in scientism and practical negation of a supra-physical realm is part and parcel of all modern western thought and pursuits. This syndrome inevitably affected the thought-pattern of modern Muslim thinkers who looked towards the West for inspiration. Come the present age, the syndrome of modernization, coupled with the ubiquitous presence of everything western in Muslim countries, has unconsciously and subliminally invaded the minds of the masses as well. This has resulted in either a form of disbelief, skepticism or an irrational, blind belief in the metaphysical truths asserted by Islam.

The rise and decline of the Muslim ummah is tied to its relation with and adherence to the injunctions of Qur’an and Sunnah. The focus of the Muslims’ intellectual pursuits must once again shift towards these two fountains of true knowledge. For this, it is essential that the Muslim masses, and their intelligentsia in particular, must acquire a conscious conviction regarding these metaphysical truths. This is because the foundation of Islam rests upon the belief in certain transcendental, unseen, intangible truths. Hence, unless and until the Muslims, especially their intelligentsia, undergo the prescribed shift of emphasis from the material to the metaphysical, the dream of redeeming the woes of Muslim Ummah cannot be realized.

The present treatise discusses the synthesis of faith within the Qur'anic paradigm and the Qur’anic mode of reasoning for recognizing the existence of God and the role of the human intellect in this pursuit. The treatise is a translation of an Urdu booklet titled `Aql, Fitrat Aur Iman, which is based on the sixth lecture of a series of lectures entitled Muntakhab Nisab, delivered by Dr. Israr Ahmed. We hope that the treatise paves the way in stimulating the hearts and minds of the modern Muslims towards the Book of Allah (SWT) and aids in turning their attention to the real remedy of our malady – the acquisition of conscious faith as outlined in the Qur'anic discourse.
Adnan Rehman
English Department
Qur'an Academy Lahore

To be continued....

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