
Friday 31 March 2017



Whenever Muslims become conscious of the fact that they have abandoned a Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (sallalahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) while following the Judeo-Christian alliance into the lizard’s hole, their basic response must be to turn around and to try to recover that lost Sunnah. However, when that Sunnah is also firmly located in the Qur’an, as is the gold Dinar and silver Dirham, then they must also seek Allah’s forgiveness for that act of betrayal and hasten to earn His forgiveness by waging a struggle to recover that which was abandoned. How should they wage that struggle? What should they do?

Stage One

Minting gold and silver coins permits Muslims to fulfill religious obligations such as paying Zakat, Mahar (dowry in marriages), financing the Hajj, etc. In addition, such coins would function as a ‘store of value’ and provide the rich with a means of securing their wealth from losses that attend the devaluation of paper money. Minting gold coins and putting them on sale offers little relief to the poor destitute masses who would have difficulty in buying and then storing even a single Gold Dinar. However, minting the Gold Dinar and Silver Dirham and offering them for sale is certainly of value in furthering the process of public education.

It is when gold and silver coins enter a market to function as a ‘medium of exchange’ and as a ‘measure of value’, that Sunnah money would be fully restored. Such money would immediately expose the fraudulent nature of paper money. The principle is that good money exposes bad money. We can expect that the Judeo-Christian alliance that now rules the world, as well as its clients in the Muslim world, and the banking world in general, would resist all efforts we may make to have gold and silver recognized as legal tender.

As a consequence the basic Islamic response to this monetary predicament must focus on legal tender laws that prohibit the use of gold and silver coins as legal tender. The masses must be mobilised to question why is the use of a Dinar as money prohibited? No government in the world can possibly answer that question since even the IMF cannot answer it.  

The effort to respond to such manifestly immoral and oppressive laws must be pursued in the form of a struggle that conforms to the strategic Sunnah (i.e., the Sunnah of the blessed Prophet as far as he struggled against oppression). That Sunnah teaches us that a mass program of public education is the first stage of the struggle of liberation from political and economic oppression. This essay was written for precisely that purpose.

However, many Muslims cannot be convinced of the fraudulent nature of paper money in today’s monetary system so long as the Ulama themselves do not understand the subject and persist in defending the validity of such money. It might thus be helpful if the Muslim peoples could be made aware of the Hadith in which the blessed Prophet warned of an age when the ‘Ulama of Islam would betray Islam to such an extent that they would become the worst people beneath the sky and that “nothing would remain of Islam but the name”:

“It would not be long before that time comes when nothing would remain of Islam but the name, and nothing would remain of the Qur’an but the (traces of the) writing. (At that time) their Masajid would be grand structures but would be devoid of guidance. And (at that time) their ‘Ulama would be the worst people beneath the sky. From them would emerge Fitnah, and to them would it return.”
(Sunan, Tirmidhi)  

Stage Two

The second stage of the struggle would involve refusal by the remote countryside to accept and use paper currency or electronic money. Rice farmers in the Indonesian island of Java, for example, would be mobilised to demand that they be paid for their rice in Dinars. In the event that buyers refuse to pay in Dinars the rice farmers would then monetize their rice by using rice itself as a medium of exchange. Thus, rice would be used as money. Of course the use of rice as money would be a temporary measure and could function only in respect of small item or micro purchases. In this way, Sunnah money would replace paper and electronic money at least in respect of micro financial exchanges. 

The cities would remain trapped in electronic money for as long as the Gog and Magog world-order continues to rule the world. [There is an entire chapter in ‘Jerusalem in the Qur’an’  which explains the subject of Gog and Magog in Islam.]

However, Sunnah money can keep on advancing from the countryside towards the cities until the prophecy of Prophet Muhammad (sallalahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) is fulfilled:

“Abu Bakr ibn Abi Maryam reported that he heard the Messenger of Allah say: "A time is certainly coming over mankind in which there will be nothing (left) which will be of use (or benefit) save a Dinar and a Dirham.” 
(Musnad, Ahmad)


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