
Friday 14 April 2017


The Augustness and Excellence of the Passage

The passage of present discussion spans ayahs (verses) 190-195 of surah (chapter) Al-e-`Imran. This passage is of particular significance for it outlines the Qur'anic mode of reasoning as it relates to the synthesis of iman (faith). The excellence of this passage is indicated by the fact that the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) had an especial fondness for these ayahs. It would suffice to quote two hadiths (sayings of the Prophet) to convey the excellence of this passage:

“Abdullah bin `Umar once inquired of Aisha (RAA):’O Mother of the Faithful! Tell me something about the Prophet (SAW) which was most dear to you.’ She replied, ‘Everything about the Prophet (SAW) was endearing and charming. However, as you have enquired, I will convey to you an incident. 
One night the Prophet (SAW) came to me (to spend the night and after a while), he asked me, ‘O Aishah! Permit me to worship my Lord tonight.’ I replied, ‘O Messenger of Allah! I fancy your company but that which is beloved to you is even more beloved to me. You have my permission.’ The Prophet (SAW) then stood in prayer and began to weep to the point that his beard became drenched with tears. Then he made a long prostration and during this time he kept weeping so much so that the place of prostration became drenched with tears. Then he lied down (after prayer) but his weeping continued until it was dawn. At this time Bilal (RAA) came to inform him (SAW) of the morning prayer and upon seeing the Prophet’s condition, tried to cajole him: ‘O Prophet (SAW) for what reason do you weep? Even if you have committed a mistake then Allah (SWT) has already forgiven all your mistakes.’ To this the Prophet (SAW) replied, ‘O Bilal! Why would I not weep when my Lord has revealed tonight these ayahs upon me.’ After this the Prophet (SAW) recited: ‘Behold! in the creation of the heavens and the earth and the alternation of night and day there are indeed Signs for men of understanding… ‘”
[Quoted in Al-Tafseer al-Kabeer]

In another hadith Ali (RAA) relates:

It was a routine of the Prophet (SAW) that whenever he (SAW) woke up for night prayers he (SAW) would recite these (same) verses.
[Quoted in Al-Tafseer al-Kabeer]

These two narrations indicate that the Prophet (SAW) had a strong penchant for the ayahs under discussion.

The Theme of the Passage: Synthesis of Faith

The theme of this passage is the synthesis of iman; that is, 
  • how does iman come into being? 
  • What is the mutual relation among the three main articles of iman –Allah (SWT), the Hereafter and the Prophets? 
  • What is the Qur'anic mode of argument regarding iman
  • What is the Qur'anic approach towards the confirmation of the life Hereafter?
  • What are the practical manifestations of iman once it takes root in a believer? 
These are all important questions that lie at the heart of the Qur'anic discourse, for iman is the very foundation of Islam. Therefore, before proceeding on with the piecemeal analysis of the concerned passage, let us discuss a few basic points pertaining to the subject of iman.

To be continued....

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