
Sunday 1 September 2013



Q.   What do we mean by Ada and Qada prayers?
*  An Ada (on time) prayer is prayer said on its proper time. Qada (deffered) prayer is a Fard or Wajib prayer said after the lapse of its due time.
For example, the Dhuhr Salat will be Ada if said on time. But it will be Qada if said after the expiry of the time limit fixed for Dhuhr.

Q.   Which Salats must be said as Qada prayers if missed on proper time?
*  Qada for all commanded Salats is Fard that for Wajib Salats is Wajib and it is the Prophet’s precept to say Qada for certain Masnun Salats.

Q.   How is it not to perform a Fard or Wajib prayer on time?
*  It is a sin not to say a commanded (Fard), ordained (Wajib) or an emphasized Masnun prayer on its proper time. The sin is greater for failing to say the commanded and ordained prayers on time and less for missing the Masnun prayers.
Nonetheless, if a prayer is missed without intention (through forgetfulness or failure to awaken from sleep) it is excusable.

Q.   At what time should one say the missed prayer?
*  A person should say the missed prayer as soon as he remembers it. Delay in it is a sin. Nevertheless, if the time when one awakens or remembers it is already an undesirable hour for the purpose, it must be said after the undesirable time is over.

Q.   How should one affirm his intention to say the missed or deferred prayer?
*  The right manner for a person wishing to say a missed prayer is to affirm that he intends to say the prayer say, for Fajr or Dhuhr for such and such day. Mere affirmation of intention to say a particular prayer without reference to the day to which it belongs is not enough.

Q.   How should a person affirm his intention if he has missed a large number of Salats but does not know the number of days involved? For instance, what should be the precise terms of intention for a man who has missed prayers for a month or two at a stretch and knows that about thirty Fajr or Dhuhr prayers are due against him, does not remember the month in respect of which the prayers are due?
*  In such a situation where we say the deferred prayer the intention should be affirmed that we are offering the first or last of the Fajr prayer due from us. In this way the intention affirmed should expressly be mentioned in respect of the missed Salat which is now proposed to be offered as a deferred prayer.

Q.   Where is it better to say the deferred prayer, at home or in the masjid?
*  If an individual has missed a prayer, it is better that he offer it at home. Saying it in the masjid is also permissible. But the fact that one is now making up for the missed prayers should not be made known to others; it is an undesirable act.

Q.   What Masnun Salat is there performing which as a deferred prayer is the Prophet’s precept?
*  Masnun Rak'ahs of Fajr, if missed along with the commanded prayer, must be said along with the commanded prayers before the period of Zawal (the time when the sun after attaining to its maximum height, starts declining). But if it is said after Zawal, only the commanded prayer (and no Masnun prayer is to be said).
If, however, only the Masnun prayer is missed, it alone cannot be said as a deferred prayer. To offer it before sunrise is undesirable. And although it is not undesirable, to say the prayer after sunrise, it will no longer enjoy the status of a Masnun prayer, it will only be a Nafl prayer.

Q.   How is it if the Masnun Rak'ahs of Dhuhr meant to be said before the Fard prayer are left unsaid?
*  Masnun prayers of Dhuhr and Jum’ah, if not said before the Fard prayer, can be said after it. These may be said before or after the usual two Masnun Rak'ahs that follow the Fard prayers. It is however, better to offer them after the above said two Rak'ahs.

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