
Sunday 1 September 2013



Q.   Who is a Mudrik (co-eval with the Imam)?
*  Mudrik is a person who has joined and been present throughout the congregational prayer i.e., who partners the Imam from the word go and keeps him company till the last.

Q.   Who is a Masbuq (junior partner)?
*  Masbuq is a person who joins the Imam one or more Rak'ahs after the start of the prayer.

Q.   Who is a Lahiq (defaulter)?
*  Lahiq is one who misses one or more Rak'ahs after joining the prayers with the Imam such as one who joins the prayer with the Imam but dozes into a nap in Qa’dah (sitting) and remains as such suffering the Imam to forge ahead by one or two more Rak'ahs.

Q.   How and when should the Masbuq (Imam’s junior partner) complete the earlier part of the prayer he has missed?
*  The Masbuq should keep the Imam’s company till he (the Imam) has finished. On Imam’s signaling the end of the congregational prayer, he should stand on his legs and complete the missed part of the prayer by picking up the threads of prayer from its very beginning. This means that if he has missed only one Rak'ah’s, he should resume the Salat (after the Imam has ended) from Thana, Ta’aw-wuz and Tasmiah and Al-Fatiha in that order. Then we will pass on to the recitation of some Surah and complete the prayer as usual. This shall include completing the whole Rak'ah, then going for Qa’dah and ending the Salat. This is the way to redeem every missed Rak'ah.
If one has missed two Rak'ahs either of Dhuhr ‘Asr, ‘Isha or Fajr Rak'ah should be said with Thana, Tasmiah, Al-Fatihah and a Surah from the Qur-an. In the second Rak'ah, one should recite the Al-Fatihah and Surah and pass on to bowing, prostration and sitting in that order before rounding off the Salat with Salam.
In case one has joined the congregational prayer only in the fourth and final Rak'ah of Dhuhr, ‘Asr or ‘Isha prayer, the missed three Rak'ah are to be said like this: the first Rak'ah is to be gone through with only the Al-Fatihah and a Surah followed by the Qa’dah. The second Rak'ah has also to be said with Al-Fatihah and the Surah. The third Rak'ah is to be said with only the Al-Fatihah. On complete of the third Rak'ah Salat shall come to an end in the normal manner.
If however, it is the Maghrib prayer and we have joined the congregation only in the third and final Rak'ah, we must go through one Rak'ah with Al-Fatihah and Surah followed by the Qa’dah and the second Rak'ah in like manner. On completion of the second Qa’dah we turn our face in Salam and end the prayer.
To sum up, if we have joined the congregation only in the last one Rak'ah the first Rak'ah when said after the congregational prayer must be rounded off with a Qa’dah, no matter which Salat it is.

Q.   What should the Masbuq (junior partner of the Imam) do if he has stood on his legs immediately after the Imam has turned his face in Salam, but the Imam has in the meantime proceeded to do the Sijdah Sahv (remedial prostration)?
*  He should retreat his move and join the Sijdah back with the Imam.

Q.   What if, by mistake, the Masbuq also turns his face in Salam with Imam?
*  No remedial Sijdah for such lapses becomes due against the Masbuq even if he has turned his face in Salam before the Imam or simultaneously with him. He should proceed with the next part of Salat in the usual manner. If, however, he has delayed the turning of his face till after the Imam has done it, it is incumbent (Wajib) on him to go through the remedial Sijdah towards the end of his prayer.

Q.   When and how should the Lahiq (defaulter in the midway) say the missed part of his prayer?
*  The Lahiq should on recovery from the lapse (sleep, etc.) first say the missed part of his prayer, independent of the Imam. He should say it as he would do had he followed the Imam, which means he should do no recitation (of the Qur-an). He shall again join the Imam to complete the remaining part of prayer with the Imam only after he has said the missed part of the prayer. If, however the Imam has in the meantime finished, he should say the rest of the prayer also in the manner prescribed or one who is following the Imam. No remedial Sijdah shall be due to him even he has committed a lapse, for he is to all intent and purpose a follower and there is no obligation for remedial Sijdah on a follower separately from the Imam.

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