
Sunday 25 August 2013



Q.   Is Taravih prayer Masnun or Nafl?
*  The Taravih prayer is an unemphasized precept of the Prophet (peace be on him) for both men and women. Saying it in congregation is a sufficing precept. This means that there will be no sin upon a person who says the Taravih prayer at home if the locality in which he lives is already having arrangement for congregational Taravih prayer. But if there is no arrangement for such a prayer in congregation the entire locality shall be accountable to Al-lah for the sin.

Q.   What is the time fixed for Taravih prayer?
*  The time allowed for Taravih is from ‘Isha till Fajr, Taravih can be said both before and after Witr. But it is better to say it before the Witr prayer. Nevertheless, if a person has missed a few Rak'ahs of Taravih prayer, he can say Witr prayer with the Imam and complete the Taravih after Witr.

Q.   How many Rak'ahs must be said in Taravih and how?
*  Saying twenty Rak'ahs in pairs of two each is the Prophet’s precept. After every Taravih (unit of four Rak'ahs) a little breathing time to be availed is desirable.

Q.   Must we recite anything or sit silent during the period for rest (after each four Rak'ahs)?
*  We are free to sit silent or recite the Qur-an slowly or to repeat some fourmula or even to say the Nafl Salat individually.

Q.   How is it to recite the whole of Qur-an in the course of Taravih prayers?
*  It is Masnun to recite the whole of Qur-an once in this month and even more commendable to do it thrice. It must, however be remembered that reciting the whole of Qur-an twice or thrice during the month is command able only if no inconvenience is caused to the congregation. No, regard should however, be paid to people’s lack of the Qur-an once in the month.

Q.   How is it to say the Taravih in the sitting position?
*  It is undesirable to say Taravih in the sitting position while one has the strength to do it in the normal (standing position).

Q.   How is it for people to sit outside the congregation while the Imam recites the Qur-an and join the prayers only at the point when the Imam is about to pass on to bowing?
*  It is an undesirable act. Prayer in congregation must be joined from the beginning.

Q.   Is it permissible for a person who has missed the congregational Fard prayer to say the commanded prayer individually before joining the congregational Taravih prayer?
*  Yes, it is permissible.

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