
Monday 19 August 2013



Q.   Is Salat of Witr Wajib or Masnun?
*  Salat of Witr is Wajib (ordained). It is as much emphasized as a commanded (Fard) Salat. It is compulsory to redeem it at another time if one fails to say it on time. It is a grave sin to cut it without any valid reason.

Q.   How many Rak'ahs are there in the Salat of Witr?
*  It is a Salat with three Rak'ahs, the first two are followed by a Qa’dah (sitting). In the Qa’dah the Tashah-hud is recited after which is done the Qiyam (standing). The third Rak'ah is again followed by Qa’dah and Tashah-hud. After which the holy Darud for the Prophet (peace be on him) and invocation to Al-lah are said and the Salat is concluded by turning the face in Salaam first to the right, then to the left.

Q.   How is Salat of Witr different from other Salats?
*  The main difference is that in the third Rak'ah of Witr Salat the invocation “Qanut” is recited. The procedure for it is like this:
In the third Rak'ah after the Al-Fatihah and the Surah that shall follow it, raise your hands to your ears saying Al-lahu Akbar. Then fold the hands as is usual is standing for Salat and say the Qanut – invocation. This done, do the bowing and the rest of the ritual as usual.

Q.   Shall we say the Qanut – invocation audibly or inaudibly?
*  Everyone, whether the head of prayer or the individual, shall say the Qanut – invocation inaudibly.

Q.   What must one do if he has not memorized the Qanut invocation?
*  Any other invocation e.g.
may be recited.

Q.   What must the follower do if the head of the prayer passes on to bowing before the former has completed the Qanut – invocation?
*  He shall cut short the Qanut and follow the Imam in bowing.

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