
Sunday 2 July 2023



An Islamic View of Gog Magog in the Modern World



When that release takes place power would be established on foundations opposite to those of Dhul Qarnain’s. Power would be established on foundations that would be essentially godless, and instead of being used to punish the oppressor, it would be used to oppress and persecute the innocent. Power would also be used to target those possessing faith in Allah Most High and living lives of righteousness. Finally, power in such a world would be used with an absolute disdain for human rights, oppressing, destroying and exterminating even those living a primitive way of life, and reducing the miserably poor masses of the world to a state of even greater destitution.  


Surah al-Kahf of the blessed Qur’an informs us of the implications of Gog and Magog’s release into the world. Allah Most High referred in that Surah to the great traveler who traveled to the two ends of the Earth by the title of Dhul Qarnain. We have previously pointed out that the word Qarn in Arabic can mean either ‘horn’ or ‘age’.  But since the Qur’an has always used the world Qarn to mean ‘age’, and has never used it to mean ‘horn’, the implication is that Allah Most High gave a subtle indication that the narrative concerning Dhul Qarnain applied to two ages.


In the first age, i.e. that of Dhul Qarnain, power in the world would be founded on faith in Allah Most High, and used to punish the oppressor, to support, assist and reward those possessing faith and righteous conduct, and who respect the human rights of those living even the most primitive of lives.   


The second age to which the narrative applied would be that of Gog and Magog, commencing with their release into the world. When that release takes place power would be established on foundations opposite to those of Dhul Qarnain’s. Power would be established on foundations that would be essentially godless, and instead of being used to punish the oppressor, it would be used to oppress and persecute the innocent. Power would also be used to target those possessing faith in Allah Most High and living lives of righteousness. Finally, power in such a world would be used with an absolute disdain for human rights, oppressing, destroying and exterminating even those living a primitive way of life, and reducing the miserably poor masses of the world to a state of even greater destitution.  


The present is precisely that second age. Modern Western civilization possesses power in the world today, but it is established on foundations that are essentially godless. It uses its power:


  • to oppress the innocent while protecting and supporting oppressors as well as others who are unjust in conduct, 
  • to wage war on religion in general and on Islam in particular, while targeting those who have faith in Allah Most High and live lives of righteousness, and
  • to target even the most primitive and defenseless people while trampling on their human rights to exterminate them like cockroaches. 


Yesterday’s barbaric ‘ethnic cleansing’ and blatant oppression of the native populations of North and South America, Australia, Southern Africa and Haiti, etc., are sorrowful examples of the kind of conduct that still persists today in the brutal and sadistic occupation of Iraq, Afghanistan and Somalia, etc.  No instance of slavery in history was ever as disgustingly barbaric, oppressive and destructive as Western civilization’s enslavement of black African people and the exploitation of their labor to build the United States of America and Canada, and the equally barbaric exploitation of the native Indian population of South and Central America to enrich the white ruling elite. 


Malcolm X was the most powerful and authentic voice to have emerged to denounce that North American oppression. The oppressed South American Indians now have in Venezuala’s Hugo Chavez and Bolivia’s Evo Morales, equally powerful and authentic voices championing their cause of liberation from oppression. The face of (white) Western oppressors (not all whites are oppressors) has become so ugly and despised around the world that it has now become necessary for them to hide behind an American President with a black face. 


to be continued . . . .

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