
Sunday 9 July 2023

Gog Magog news report


An Islamic View of Gog Magog in the Modern World

Wherever Western civilization occupied non-European territory the native population faced danger. They were sometimes enslaved, but at other times they were even exterminated. Consider the following news report in the ‘Sunday Times’ of India dated June 26, 1938 which was diligently preserved by our teacher of blessed memory, Maulana Dr Muhammad Fadlur Rahman Ansari:


Extermination of an entire race Britain’s record in Tasmania

Imperial expansion exterminated a whole race in 104 years, observes J. W. Pynter, tracing the tragic history of the Tasmanians in The Inquirer.

The island of Tasmania got its name after Abel Jansen Tasman, who first discovered it in 1642. Not until a century and a half later did any white man set eyes on the aborigines of the island. A French Captain landed with his party there in 1772 and was met by a party of natives, one of whom advanced and offered a lighted stick to a sailor. The Frenchmen interpreted the act as an attack and opened fire on the natives, who fled, leaving one dead and several wounded.


Frightful Outrages

In 1803, a British Captain was commissioned to form a settlement in Tasmania. The tragedy began . . . One day some natives, including women and children, appeared on a high land above the camp of the whites. They showed no hostility, but for some unknown reason fire was opened on them and several were killed.

 So frightful was the white attitude that in 1817 Governor Sorell was compelled to issue a proclamation against base outrages on the persons of aborigines.


Used as Targets!

The worst enemies of those natives were the white out-laws and bushrangers. They would tie natives to trees and use them as targets, or drag native women by force. And their crimes led to the issue of a proclamation in 1824, warning “settlers and others” against massacring natives.


The intermittent warfare, however, continued. And the ultimate doom of the native race came with the heartless decision to remove all of them from the main island to one of the islets in Bass’s Strait – a barren spot, where they died off quickly. In February 1869, the last Tasmanian man died – William Laune. In May 1876, died Truganina, the last woman.        


USA succeeded Britain as the leader of a mysterious Jewish-Christian alliance which controlled the world and was waging war on Islam and Muslims on behalf of the Euro-Jewish State of Israel. It was that Jewish-Christian alliance which created modern Western secular civilization and was using that civilization to embrace all of mankind in a decadent godless embrace. The Jewish-Christian alliance secured major victories in the destruction of the Ottoman Islamic Caliphate and Dar al-Islam, replacing them with client-States such as the Republic of Turkey and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. As a consequence, the Jewish-Christian alliance effectively controlled the Haramain and the Hajj. 


This book recognizes that Jewish-Christian alliance to be the creators of a Gog and Magog world-order. It seems to be only a matter of time before they would also succeed in fulfilling Prophet Muhammad’s pbuh prophecy located in Sahih Bukhari that “people would continue to perform the Hajj and ‘Umrah even after the release of Gog and Magog, but the Last Hour would not come before the (valid) Hajj no longer existed.”    


A verse of Surah al-Maidah of the Qur’an anticipates the emergence of a Jewish-Christian alliance and goes on to strictly prohibit Muslim friendship and alliance with such Jews and Christians. It is difficult to translate the verse without interjecting explanatory comments. However, we put such comments within brackets in order to distinguish them from the translated text which is in bold type:


Oh you who have faith (in Allah Most High) do not take Jews and Christians as your friends, allies, patrons or sponsors. (Why so?) (because) some (from amongst them) are (or would be) friends, allies, sponsors of others (amongst them). (Thus this verse did not prohibit friendly relations with all Jews and Christians, but it did prohibit Muslims from joining with them in such alliances as CENTO, SEATO, NATO or such relations as that which has transformed Arabia into the Saudi-American Kingdom. Rather it anticipated a time when Jews and Christians would strangely and mysteriously reconcile with each other, and would then go on to establish a Jewish-Christian alliance. The Qur’an distinguishes between such Christians who align themselves with the Jews and others (see Qur’an, al-Maidah, 5:82) who would eventually become the dearest of all friends to Muslims. It was with reference to only such Jews and Christians who are allies of each other that the divine command was sent down prohibiting friendship and alliance.) And whoever amongst you turns to them (as an ally, etc.) becomes, verily, one of them. (Such Muslims would be absorbed into that Judeo-Christian Gog-Magog godless global society and would lose their Islam.) Surely Allah does not guide those who commit Dhulm. (The verse here delivers a warning that the trademark of that Jewish-Christian alliance would be their acts of Dhulm i.e. injustice, oppression and wickedness, and that Muslims should have the commonsense not to associate with such people whom Allah Himself would not guide).   (Qur’an, al-Maidah, 5:51) 


This verse of the blessed Qur’an delivered to Muslims a very serious warning indeed, against ever entering into the embrace of those who today rule the world (i.e. the Gog and Magog world order) and wage war on Islam and Muslims. And this was precisely what the client-State Kingdom of Saudi Arabia had done, and what so many neo-Salafi scholars either could not recognize, or found it inconvenient to do so. Indeed this is what the entire world of Islam has done in allowing themselves to be trapped in the wicked embrace of a United Nations Organization, International Monetary Fund and World Bank, etc. It was in anticipation of the oppression unleashed by precisely that Jewish-Christian alliance that Prophet Muhammad (sallalahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) had declared 1400 years ago: 


“You (Muslims) will most certainly fight the Jews (i.e. those Jews who are oppressing you), and you will most certainly kill them (i.e. you will be victorious) to such an extent that even the stone will speak and say Oh Muslim, there is (such) a Jew hiding behind me, so come and kill him”.   (Bukhari, Muslim) 


Allah Most High had declared, “those who turned towards them with friendship and as allies would belong to them (and hence eventually no longer belong to  us)”, hence Muslims now need an Islamic political theology with which they can respond to the implications of conduct that was so harshly denounced by Allah Most High Himself. That conduct has now ominously appeared in their midst in the form of mindless senseless universal Muslim worship at the altar, for example, of a US Visa, Green Card and Citizenship.


Additional implications of the release of Gog and Magog into the world are spelled out in Surah al-Kahf of the blessed Qur’an. After Dhul Qarnain built the barrier which effectively contained Gog and Magog, he declared that the (construction of the) barrier was (as a result of) Allah’s Mercy. He warned, however, that when that time came of which Allah Most High had warned (i.e. the commencement of Youm al-Qiyamah) He, Most High, would level or destroy the barrier and release Gog and Magog into the world: 


(Dhul Qarnain) said: "This (barrier that was successfully constructed and which has contained Gog and Magog) is a mercy from my Lord-God! But when the time appointed by my Lord-God shall come, He will make this (barrier) level with the ground (i.e. demolish it): and my Lord-God’s promise always comes true!"  (Qur’an, al-Kahf, 18:98)


The next two verses of the Surah described the major implications of that release:

And on that Day We shall (call forth all mankind and) leave them to surge like waves (that dash) against one another (or merge with each other); and the trumpet (of judgment) will be blown, and We shall gather them all together. 

And on that Day We shall place hell spread out for those who rejected the truth (in this Qur’an).”  (Qur’an, al-Kahf, 18:98-100)


In the first verse above, the Qur’an provides an explanation for the phenomenon of contemporary globalization. The brutal process of European conquest and colonization of the non-European world, and its subsequent transformation into carbon copies of decadent godless European way of life was aptly described as “waves crashing against each other and then merging with each other”.  The second verse warned that globalization would produce a ‘hell’ of a world, and in order for the faithful servants of Allah Most High to preserve faith at that time they would have to progressively disconnect from that godless and decadent global society. 


Allah the all-Knowing already knew that very few indeed would choose to so disconnect and that is why the Hadith revealed that 999 out of every 1000 would join the Gog and Magog melting pot and enter into the hellfire:


The modern secular Euro-world order is not only essentially godless, decadent, lawless and oppressive, but is also hell-bent on embracing all of mankind in one global godless society. That goal is already almost achieved. The objective for the establishment of the global society is, of course, to deliver all of mankind willy-nilly to the feet of the Jewish State of Israel so that they may submit to Israel as the ruling state in the world.


The true followers of Prophet Muhammad (sallalahu ‘alaihi wa sallam), can be recognized by their efforts to resist being embraced by mainstream godlessness and decadence in the world today. Most of the rest of mankind appear to be content to drift with that mainstream society is it wends its miserable way to destruction. 


In consequence of this defiance on the part of Muslims, the Gog and Magog Euro-world order is waging undisguised war on Islam.  How should Muslims respond to this ever-increasing oppression?


Any people who allow themselves to be embraced by godlessness eventually forget Allah the Most High. Such Muslims eventually end up dancing semi-nude on the streets in Gay and Lesbian Rights Day Parades. Such Muslims become a part of the decadent crowd that revels in the vulgarities of modern music and songs. The Qur’an warns the believers not to be like such people since the price which they would pay for forgetting Allah (i.e. turning their backs on Allah) is that they would forget their own selves, i.e. they lose consciousness of their own essential humanity. (Qur’an, alHashr, 59:19). Such a society no longer produces human offspring. Rather the children of such a society would become beasts in human bodies.  In other words they would behave like animals – pigs, dogs, monkeys etc. Prophet Muhammad (sallalahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) warned of a time that would eventually come when people would engage in sexual intercourse in public like donkeys. Those who have eyes with which to see can already recognize that the time of public sex is just around the corner. How should Muslims respond to a society and a world which is entering a sexual garbage bin? 


Political globalization has resulted in Shirk permeating the entire political system around the world.  That Shirk is very clearly present in the modern State when it declares itself to be sovereign, its authority and law to be supreme, possessing authority to make Halal anything that Allah the Most High made Haram (and it has consistently done so). How should Muslims protect themselves from the Shirk of the modern State?


Economic globalization, on the other hand, has produced a world economy that is based on Riba, and that in turn is bringing a new economic slavery upon the masses around the world. In consequence of political godlessness and economic deprivation, there is constant increase in lawlessness, violence, anarchy, killings and rape, etc. It certainly appears as though society itself is collapsing and disintegrating. 


The family is the foundation stone of society and even that foundation stone is collapsing in consequence of an ominous feminist revolution captivating so many in the world of women and leading them dangerously astray. 


Dajjal – the False Messiah, is the master-mind who fashioned today’s godless World Order, and he is using it to test all of mankind with the greatest of all tests and trials.


to be continued . . . .

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