
Sunday 9 October 2022

What is fasaad?


An Islamic View of Gog Magog in the Modern World

What is fasaad?

Gog and Magog are described as mufsidoon fil ard (Qur’an, al-Kahf, 18:94). I have loosely translated this phrase as “perpetrators of destruction on Earth.” Let us take a closer look. Mufsidoon is the plural of an actor form, mufsid. This means “people who collectively do something.” In this case, it refers to a group whose collective profession or lifestyle is to cause a certain type of harm called fasaad. Both terms, fasaad and mufsidoon, are derived from the word root “fa seen dal” (the sounds “f s d”).  So, what kind of harm is fasaad? Allah uses terms derived from this root (yufsidoona, yufsidu, yufsida, tufsidoo, al-mufsideen, and so on) in many verses of the Qur’an in conjunction with certain types of behavior. Below are some verse examples that realize the formula of fasaad. Please note that the plural forms of verbs indicate collective or social activity. Also, the article al (the) and certain grammatical structures indicate comprehensiveness or totality. This is similar to “all the” or “the whole.”


1. Religious fasaad. Blatant abandonment of the whole Divine Covenant by a group that has solemnly committed itself to this covenant (yanqudoona 'ahda Allaahi min ba'di meethaaqihi . . . wa yufsidoona fil ard, Qur’an, al-Baqarah, 2:27). When an avowedly strict or orthodox religious sect systematically breaks the laws of their own scripture, this is called fasaad. This behavior destroys the life of the Hereafter for the group.


2. Family ties fasaad. Systematic tearing up of all family ties (yaqta'oona ma amara Allahu bihee an yoosala wa yufsidoona fil ard, Qur’an, al-Baqarah, 2:27). This means separating wives from husbands, children from parents, brothers from each other, and so on.


3. Genocidal fasaad. Mass murder (yufsidu feeha wa yasfikud-dimaa', literally, “sheds all the bloods,” Qur’an, al-Baqarah, 2:30).


4. Agricultural fasaad. Systematic destruction or spoiling of all crops (li yufsida feeha wa yuhlika alharth, Qur’an, al-Baqarah, 2:205). This includes, for example, the ruining of whole agricultural systems or the genetic modification and insertion of poisons into seeds.


5. Fasaad to offspring (nasl). Systematic destruction of all human reproduction or mass murder of all children (li yufsida feeha . . . wa yuhlika . . . an-nasl, Qur’an, al-Baqarah, 2:205).


6. Economic fasaad. A trade system that enables the powerful to underpay people or deny them their dues (fa awful kayla wal meezaana wa la tabkhasoo annaasa ashya'ahum wa la tufsidoo fil ardi ba'da islaahiha, Qur’an, al-A'raaf, 7:85).


7. Sodomy fasaad. Socially acceptable practice of homosexuality (ta'toona ar-rijaala . . . al-mufsideen, Qur’an, al-'Ankaboot, 29:29-30). This culminates in “gay marriage” and undermines real marriage.


Fasaad is then the deliberate and systematic destruction of human life by mass murder or by thorough destruction of key elements of life, including the life of the hereafter. Gog and Magog are called mufsidoon, but no type of fasaad is specified. They are thus a group whose collective profession or lifestyle is the creation and practice of all kinds of fasaad. They verily earn the wrath of Allah and deserve to burn in Hell. They are the kind of people who are referred to as almaghdoobi 'alayhim (the ones who earned Allah's wrath) in al-Fatiha. 


In Chapter One, Shaykh Hosein identifies many types of fasaad that can be observed on a global scale. In Chapter Seven, he points to the genocidal fasaad that has been increasing in recent centuries, certainly the work of Gog and Magog. But how did they bring humanity to adopt such horrible collective and individual practices?


Profiles of Gog and Magog and the fasaad groups they control  

At the beginning of surah al-Baqarah of the Qur’an, Allah depicts a group of people who collectively practice fasaad. He describes their false mission statement, their strange beliefs, their mode of operation (modus operandi), their organizational structure, and He even names their secret masterminds. As it turns out, these verses actually describe Gog and Magog and other fasaad groups that work for them.


1. False religious front. The group deceptively pretends to believe in Allah and the Last Day (wa minan naasi man yaqoolu aamanna billahi wa bilyawmil aakhiri wamahum bi mu'mineen, yukhaadi'oona Allaha walladheena aamanu . . . Qur’an, al-Baqarah, 2:8-9,14).

2. Uncommon articles of faith. The group is too proud to share the straightforward faith of ordinary people whom they call “stupid” (wa idhaa qeela lahum aaminoo kamaa aamanan naasu qaaloo anu'minu kamaa aamanas sufahaa', Qur’an, al-Baqarah, 2:13).

3. Mentally twisted. The members of the group have mental and spiritual diseases (sick hearts) which Allah causes to become worse (fee quloobihim  maradun fazaadahumu Allahu maradaa, Qur’an, al-Baqarah, 2:10). This may include a warped logic, bizarre rituals and sexual perversions.

4. Positive mission statement. The group falsely claims to have a positive, constructive mission in society (wa idhaa qeela lahum la tufsidoo fil ardi qaaloo innamaa nahnu muslihoon . . . Qur’an, al-Baqarah, 2:11-12). 

5. Secret meetings, conspiracies. Leading members of the group regularly hold secret meetings with the top leaders to renew allegiance and discuss activities (wa idha khalaw ilaa shayaateenihim qaaloo innaa ma'akaum . . . Qur’an, al-Baqarah, 2:14, see also 2:76 and Aal 'Imraan 3:119-120).

6. Top leaders are “satans.”  Leading members report to top leaders whom Allah identifies as satans (wa idha khalaw ilaa shayaateenihim . . . Qur’an, al-Baqarah, 2:14). This is the first mention of the term “satan” in the Qur’an. It happens to be in the plural form. In the next two sections, I will discuss who these satans are and how they recruit, motivate and lead the fasaad groups that work for Gog and Magog.


In Chapter One, Shaykh Hosein points to centralized global monetary and financial fasaad that could only have been accomplished by the organization described above, Gog and Magog. In Chapter Four, Shaykh Hosein discusses the profile of Gog and Magog and identifies features similar to those mentioned above.


Satans: charismatic leaders with sweet and deceptive speech

In addition to Satan (Iblis, father of the jinn), the great deceiver (al-gharoor), Allah has designated human and jinn satans as masterminds of opposition to prophets (wa laqad ja'alnaa likulli nabiyyin 'aduw-wan shayateena al-insi wal-jinn, Qur’an, alAn'aam 6:112). These satans inspire (yoohi, tell secretly or indirectly) each other with golden language (zukhrufal qawli) that is used as a tool of deception (ghuroora). The hearts and minds (quloob) of those who do not believe in the Hereafter (al-aakirah) would listen to such language, accept it, and consequently commit whatever sins they would commit (Qur’an, al-An'aam 6:113). Who are these masterminds of fasaad?

to be continued . . . .



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