
Sunday 16 October 2022

Top leaders of Gog and Magog and allied fasaad groups belong to the Children of Israel


An Islamic View of Gog Magog in the Modern World

Top leaders of Gog and Magog and allied fasaad groups belong to the Children of Israel

In another description of secret fasaad group meetings, the leading members and the top leaders (satans) are identified as belonging to the same group (“when they secretly meet with each other,” wa idhaa khalaa ba'duhum ilaa ba'd qaaloo atuhaddithoonahum bimaa fataha Allahu alaikum. . . Qur’an, alBaqarah, 2:76). Who is this group?


The context here refers to a group that conspires to reject Islam despite precise Torah description of its prophet. The group is identified as the Children of Israel whose fasaad behavior has not changed over the ages (Qur’an, al-Baqarah, 2:40-73) and will not change in the future (hearts turned into stone, will never believe in the Qur’an, al-Baqarah, 2:74-75). Their conspiratorial behavior is characterized by the cow incident (Qur’an, al-Baqarah, 2:67-73). Allah ordered them to slaughter a cow and hit the victim's body with its parts. The victim temporarily came back to life and named his killers (qataltum nafsan, you [plural] killed a person). The whole community of the Children of Israel had conspired to cover up who did it (wallahu mukhrijun ma kuntum taktumoon, and Allah will bring out what you [plural] were concealing).


In the Qur’an, the Children of Israel (banu isra'eel) also are referred to as Jews (al-yahood) or the People of the Scripture (ahl al-kitab). This last term also refers to Christians. Sometimes the context of the Qur’an determines which community is meant, but sometimes it is left open to refer to both communities.


Allah also tells us that “a group from among the People of the Scripture” (the context implies that these are either all Jews or a subgroup of them) abandoned the Torah and adopted in its place the recitations of jinn satans (ma tatloo ash-shayaateen, Qur’an, alBaqarah 2:101-102). These recitations may be included in the Talmud, one of the holy books of Judaism.


Moreover, Allah tells us that all Jews (al-yahood) collectively work hard (yas'awna, plural) to create fasaad (wa yas'awna fil ardi fasaadan, Qur’an, al-Maa'idah 5:64). This includes religious fasaad and all other kinds of fasaad. Righteous People of the Scripture (righteous Jews), the exception to this rule, are those who accept the Qur’an (Aal 'Imraan 3:113-115). 


Based on the above arguments, I conclude that the human satans who lead Gog and Magog and the fasaad groups that work for them must belong to the Children of Israel who follow the recitations of jinn satans.


In the previous sections, I have established the Qur’anic basis of the relationship between Gog and Magog. This link is crucial for the discussion of the second set of verses that mention Gog and Magog.


Gog and Magog have returned the Children of Israel to “their city” (Jerusalem)

In surah al-Anbiya', verses 21:95-97, Allah mentions a city in connection with Gog and Magog. 

The city had been destroyed and the verses state that its people are prohibited from returning to it until the following conditions have been fulfilled:

1. Gog and Magog have been unleashed.

2. Gog and Magog have spread their presence all over the world. “Min kulli hadabin yansiloon” has at least the following realizations:

a) Gog and Magog have interbred with and have descendants in every royal family and ruling elite.

b) Gog and Magog have infiltrated every organization (hadab = raised structure, organization).

c) Gog and Magog are rushing down every hill (are launching attacks or making war everywhere).


These conditions suggest that Gog and Magog would be helping the people of the destroyed city to return to it. In Chapter Six, Shaykh Hosein successfully connects these verses to the history of Jerusalem. He points out that the Children of Israel have indeed been brought back to Jerusalem in the last century after the city was destroyed long ago and they were chased out of it. These verses explain why Israel has been created and why the Children of Israel were forced to return to their old city (Jerusalem). Shaykh Hosein correctly argues that those who accomplished this act must be Gog and Magog.

The fact that the leadership of Gog and Magog belongs to the Children of Israel explains the motivation for this feat.


By the time Gog and Magog have accomplished this mission, the True Promise (al-wa'd al-haqq, the Last Hour) would be near. This possibly means the return of Jesus whom the Children of Israel rejected and tried to crucify. At this time, those who disbelieved in his true mission will stare with wide-open eyes at the truth (shaakhisatun absaarul ladheena kafaroo) and realize that it is too late to avoid certain doom.


Shaykh Hosein's argument about Jerusalem being the destroyed city in the verse is confirmed by the following. Allah tells us that He has decreed that the Children of Israel shall twice rise to power on Earth and establish fasaad (Qur’an, al-Israa', 17:48). The first rise to power has already happened (wa kaana wa'dan maf'oola: and it was an appointment executed). I argue that we are witnessing the second rise to power of the Children of Israel (the phrase “wa'dul aakhirati” in this verse means “the appointment of the last one [rise to power]”). As prophesied in a later verse, when this last rise happened (same phrase: “wa'dul aakhirati”), the Children of Israel were brought to Jerusalem by others from many different countries (fa idhaa jaa'a wa'dul aakhirati ji'naa bikum lafeefa, Qur’an, al-Israa', 17:104).


Dajjal (False Messiah), the leader of Gog and Magog

I have established above that the top leaders of Gog and Magog must be from those Children of Israel whose holy book is the recitations of jinn satans. One of them must be the very top leader of Gog and Magog. Hadith confirms this conclusion and refers to a Jewish personality named al-Maseeh (the Messiah) adDajjal (liar, confuser, conman) which refers to the False Messiah (they rejected the real Messiah, Jesus 'alaihissalaam). The Prophet salla Allahu 'alaihi wa sallam identified him as Ibn Sayyad, a young Jewish man living in Medina. Hadith also told us that Dajjal was present at the same time in a different form on a certain island. Obviously, Dajjal appears in different forms and phases. In his book, Jerusalem in the Qur’an, Shaykh Hosein deals with the phases of the Dajjal.


Gog and Magog have infiltrated religious sects

Based on the Qur’an's description of the typical structure of fasaad groups, Ibn Mas'oud radiallahu 'anhu (the famous companion of the Prophet sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam) called the Muslim sects emerging in his time “the Jews of Islam.” What he meant was that they manifested typical characteristics of fasaad groups that are masterminded by Jews. Hadith tells us that all sects are in Hell. Only the mainstream who stick to Qur’an and Sunna are saved.


In Chapter One, Shaykh Hosein reviews Muslim sects and challenges them to take a proper stand on the issue of Gog and Magog. Certain Christian, Hindu, Buddhist, atheist and polytheist sects also manifest some characteristics of fasaad groups.


Naturally, these sects ally themselves with the most powerful fasaad group, Gog and Magog. As we speak, the leaders of these sects may be coordinating with Dajjal. Maybe this is why Allah prohibits Muslims from ever taking Jews or Christians as sponsors or allies (awliyaa'). He warns that they are only sponsors and allies of each other (ba'duhum awliyaa'u ba'd, Qur’an, al-Maa'idah, 5:51). Shaykh Hosein specifically points to the alliance between European Jews and Christians as the embodiment of Gog and Magog.



Shaykh Hosein ponders in depth the spiritual, social and political consequences of the release of Gog and Magog. I believe that the most important question is this: how do we avoid being persuaded by the sweet talk of charismatic satanic leaders into joining apparently good activities that are in fact evil fasaad activities? Surah al-Kahf offers an answer: withdraw from cities. Hadith recommends this approach, too. In Chapter Seven, Shaykh Hosein suggests the “Muslim Village.”


The collective integrity of the Ummah (the global Muslim community) has been shattered long ago. The Islamic Khilafah (central government) can never be restored so long as the Gog and Magog world order maintains its control over the earth. Surah asSaff 61:1-14 gives an overview of world history and future events. Those of the Children of Israel with twisted minds who have betrayed Moses and Jesus 'alaihimassalaam will try in vain to blow out Allah's light. They offer their False Messiah, Dajjal, instead of Jesus. Their Gog and Magog troops have overrun the globe. But Imam al-Mahdi ‘alaihissalaam will start the final battle against them, and Jesus ‘alaihissalaam will end it. And then he will rule the Earth according to Islam. 

Tammam Adi

Safar 1430
to be continued . . . .

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