
Saturday 6 August 2022



Signs of the Last Day and the End of History

Insights from Sheikh Imran Hosein

The Christian view is that all of history prior to the advent of Jesus was preparatory in nature, and that history reached its epoch when God incarnated in the person of Jesus, the ‘son of God’, the second person in the ‘trinity’. History would culminate when that ‘God’ returns to judge all of mankind on Judgment Day. The Christian view of the historical process is thus linear and regressive, but it conceives of history ending with another divine intervention that would validate the Christian claim to the truth.

History is indeed the history of truth. The historical process and the movement of history, according to Christianity, were determined by the incarnation of truth in history. God, who is truth, took human form and came to live on the earth in the person of his only begotten son, Jesus, who is also recognized as the son of the virgin Mary. The fact that God appeared in history and lived on earth implied that the age in which he lived was the golden age, and that after his departure every successive age witnessed a historical regression and departure from truth.

There is a consensus amongst Christians that the return of Jesus the Christ (i.e., the Messiah) is now close, and that we are consequently nearing the end of history. Many non-European Christians are persuaded by the dominant Euro-Christian argument that the birth of the State of Israel is a fullfilment of Biblical prophecy and that Christians therefore have a religious duty to facilitate the return of Jesus by giving their support to Israel and by opposing those who oppose Israel. They remain conveniently blind to the injustice, lies and deception with which so-called Biblical prophesy is being realized.

Indeed the birth of Israel is itself the result of a strange Jewish-Christian marriage that also gave birth to the present world-order.

As the moment of the return of Jesus draws nigh the world is already witnessing a resurgence of Christian religious nationalism impacting on Christian political thought with momentous implications. Nowhere in the world has the impact of end-time resurgent Christian nationalism made a more ominous impact on the world than in the establishment of the George Bush administration in USA.

This brief review of the viewpoints of these three religions is suffcient to demonstrate that they all believe in an end to history and, further, that the end of history is close.

Source: Signs of the Last Day and the End of History

to be continued....

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