
Saturday 30 July 2022



Signs of the Last Day and the End of History

Insights from Sheikh Imran Hosein

The Brahim Hindu and Jewish views of the movement of history and the end of history are remarkably similar. Both the Jew and the Brahmin Hindu conceive of themselves as the elite of mankind and conceive of all non-Hindus or non-Jews to have been originally created with an inferior status. And hence both seek to establish systems of political, economic, social and religious dominance which would ensure that the elite of mankind themselves would dominate over the rest.

Both cherish the memory of a golden age when their political, economic and religious dominance over all others within their sphere of influence was realized in history. Both believe in a holy land in which their respective golden ages were realized, and both believe that history cannot end without a re-realization of their respective golden ages in which they would again dominate the world around them from their respective holy lands.

The Israelites were expelled from their holy land more than 2000 years ago, and they lived for that long period in sorrowful exile. But it is of momentous and historic importance that they have now returned to the very heart of that holy land to reclaim it as their own. It is significant that they accomplished that return while riding on the backs of European Jews who pursued their goal with no concern for either truth or justice.

History reached its zenith in the golden age of Judaism when David and Solomon (peace be upon them both) ruled the world from Holy Israel. History after the golden age witnessed two periods of Jewish betrayal of the covenant with Allah Most High and hence, two periods of historical collapse and consequent Jewish exile from the Holy Land. The first was the Babylonian exile. The second, which commenced shortly after Jews rejected the claim of Jesus (peace be upon him) to be the Messiah and subsequently boasted that they had killed him (Qur’an, al-Nisa, 4:159), resulted in a two-thousand-year exile. Those 2000 years constituted, from their perspective, the Jewish Dark Age. The historical process is thus linear and regressive. But regression was punctuated by divine interventions which once brought the Jews back from Babylon to reclaim the Holy Land, and which once again would fulfill a Divine promise concerning the advent of a Messiah through whom Jews would re-realize the golden age when Holy Israel ruled the world.

Judaism believes itself to be the dominant force impacting upon the historical process at the beginning and at the end of history.

History is pre-eminently the history of Jews. But history is particularly the history of the Jews in their relationship with the Holy Land which they believe was divinely gifted to them exclusively and unconditionally, and with the holy State of Israel which once ruled the world from that holy land. History cannot end until the Jews have liberated the rest of the holy land beyond the present frontiers of the State of Israel. The Bible itself declares that the holy land stretches “from the river of Egypt to the river Euphrates” in Iraq. History cannot end until the holy State of Israel recovers control over the entire holy land, and rules the world as the ruling state one more time.

The historical process cannot end without the validation of Judaism as truth. But in order for such validation to be achieved it would first be necessary for the Jews to return to the Holy Land to reclaim it as their own. This they have already done. Secondly, a State of Israel would also have to be restored. This was achieved in 1948. Thirdly, that State of Israel would have to expand to encompass the entire territory of the holy land, and the Temple of Solomon would have to be rebuilt (which means that Israel would have to destroy Masjid al-Aqsa in order to rebuild the temple). Fourthly, the holy State of Israel would have to become, once again, the ruling state in the world. This is likely to occur soon. Finally, a Jew must rule the world from Jerusalem with a claim to eternal rule and declare himself the Messiah. When Jews recognize him to be the Messiah and accept him as such, that would constitute the end of history for Judaism.

Since Jews have now returned to the Holy Land to reclaim it as their own, and a State of Israel has been restored, and the temple of Solomon is likely to be re-built soon, most Jews believe that the historical process is approaching the end. So the Hindu view, like the Jewish view, is that we are now in the last stage of history. This belief that the historical process is drawing to an end has impacted on Judaism in the same way as it has impacted on Hinduism, and so we see secular nationalism being replaced in Israel by Jewish religious nationalism with all the attendant repercussions on the politics of the State.

The only significant force in the world perceived to be obstructing Jews from realizing Judaism’s historic destiny is Islam. This explains the present war that is waged on Islam to remove that road-block.

There are some Jews who are absolutely horrfied by Israel’s injustice and oppression of the Arab Muslim and Christian peoples who lived in the Holy Land prior to the birth of the Euro-Jewish State. They have opposed the Zionist State and have supported the rights of the oppressed Muslim and Christian people in and around the Holy Land. It is very unlikely that these Jews would accept the claim of a Messiah who achieves his rule over the world through deception, lies, assassination, terrorism, injustice and oppression. It may be possible for Muslims to build friendship and alliance with such Jews.

Source: Signs of the Last Day and the End of History

to be continued....

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