
Saturday 30 July 2022



Signs of the Last Day and the End of History

Insights from Sheikh Imran Hosein

The Brahim Hindu and Jewish views of the movement of history and the end of history are remarkably similar. Both the Jew and the Brahmin Hindu conceive of themselves as the elite of mankind and conceive of all non-Hindus or non-Jews to have been originally created with an inferior status. And hence both seek to establish systems of political, economic, social and religious dominance which would ensure that the elite of mankind themselves would dominate over the rest.

Both cherish the memory of a golden age when their political, economic and religious dominance over all others within their sphere of influence was realized in history. Both believe in a holy land in which their respective golden ages were realized, and both believe that history cannot end without a re-realization of their respective golden ages in which they would again dominate the world around them from their respective holy lands.

The Israelites were expelled from their holy land more than 2000 years ago, and they lived for that long period in sorrowful exile. But it is of momentous and historic importance that they have now returned to the very heart of that holy land to reclaim it as their own. It is significant that they accomplished that return while riding on the backs of European Jews who pursued their goal with no concern for either truth or justice.

History reached its zenith in the golden age of Judaism when David and Solomon (peace be upon them both) ruled the world from Holy Israel. History after the golden age witnessed two periods of Jewish betrayal of the covenant with Allah Most High and hence, two periods of historical collapse and consequent Jewish exile from the Holy Land. The first was the Babylonian exile. The second, which commenced shortly after Jews rejected the claim of Jesus (peace be upon him) to be the Messiah and subsequently boasted that they had killed him (Qur’an, al-Nisa, 4:159), resulted in a two-thousand-year exile. Those 2000 years constituted, from their perspective, the Jewish Dark Age. The historical process is thus linear and regressive. But regression was punctuated by divine interventions which once brought the Jews back from Babylon to reclaim the Holy Land, and which once again would fulfill a Divine promise concerning the advent of a Messiah through whom Jews would re-realize the golden age when Holy Israel ruled the world.

Judaism believes itself to be the dominant force impacting upon the historical process at the beginning and at the end of history.

History is pre-eminently the history of Jews. But history is particularly the history of the Jews in their relationship with the Holy Land which they believe was divinely gifted to them exclusively and unconditionally, and with the holy State of Israel which once ruled the world from that holy land. History cannot end until the Jews have liberated the rest of the holy land beyond the present frontiers of the State of Israel. The Bible itself declares that the holy land stretches “from the river of Egypt to the river Euphrates” in Iraq. History cannot end until the holy State of Israel recovers control over the entire holy land, and rules the world as the ruling state one more time.

The historical process cannot end without the validation of Judaism as truth. But in order for such validation to be achieved it would first be necessary for the Jews to return to the Holy Land to reclaim it as their own. This they have already done. Secondly, a State of Israel would also have to be restored. This was achieved in 1948. Thirdly, that State of Israel would have to expand to encompass the entire territory of the holy land, and the Temple of Solomon would have to be rebuilt (which means that Israel would have to destroy Masjid al-Aqsa in order to rebuild the temple). Fourthly, the holy State of Israel would have to become, once again, the ruling state in the world. This is likely to occur soon. Finally, a Jew must rule the world from Jerusalem with a claim to eternal rule and declare himself the Messiah. When Jews recognize him to be the Messiah and accept him as such, that would constitute the end of history for Judaism.

Since Jews have now returned to the Holy Land to reclaim it as their own, and a State of Israel has been restored, and the temple of Solomon is likely to be re-built soon, most Jews believe that the historical process is approaching the end. So the Hindu view, like the Jewish view, is that we are now in the last stage of history. This belief that the historical process is drawing to an end has impacted on Judaism in the same way as it has impacted on Hinduism, and so we see secular nationalism being replaced in Israel by Jewish religious nationalism with all the attendant repercussions on the politics of the State.

The only significant force in the world perceived to be obstructing Jews from realizing Judaism’s historic destiny is Islam. This explains the present war that is waged on Islam to remove that road-block.

There are some Jews who are absolutely horrfied by Israel’s injustice and oppression of the Arab Muslim and Christian peoples who lived in the Holy Land prior to the birth of the Euro-Jewish State. They have opposed the Zionist State and have supported the rights of the oppressed Muslim and Christian people in and around the Holy Land. It is very unlikely that these Jews would accept the claim of a Messiah who achieves his rule over the world through deception, lies, assassination, terrorism, injustice and oppression. It may be possible for Muslims to build friendship and alliance with such Jews.

Source: Signs of the Last Day and the End of History

to be continued....

Saturday 23 July 2022



Signs of the Last Day and the End of History

Insights from Sheikh Imran Hosein

Hinduism declares that the movement of history is cyclic, i.e., going round and round in circles and thus constantly repeating itself. When one cycle is completed, another one commences. In the view of many Hindu scholars today, as well as in the popular Hindu religious consciousness, the movement of history is now located at a point in time when one cycle is coming to an end and another is about to begin. Thus for the Hindu this is, in a sense, a last age, i.e., the end of this present cycle of history.

While Hinduism is prepared to recognize truth manifesting itself in the form of many rivers allowing to the same sea, the fact is that Hinduism is also firmly insistent that when those rivers all reach that common sea it is the Hindu conception of truth that is certain to prevail. The logical implication is that a cycle cannot end without validation of the Hindu conception of truth.

What is that conception of truth? And what are the implications for the rest of mankind if such a conception of truth were to be validated? For the purposes of our present essay we need not look at more than one or two of those implications.


Hinduism is built on the concept of a holy land, i.e., Bharat, that includes not only present-day India, but also much of the surrounding regional territory. Hinduism clings with evergreen nostalgia to a golden age in the distant past in which the gods and goddesses of Hinduism lived on earth and the truth of Hinduism dominated the then known world from that holy land. Hindus believe that Hinduism has an exclusive religious right to dominance in that holy land of Bharat, and that Hindus therefore have a religious obligation to ensure that the Hindu conception of truth prevails in that holy land.

Eight centuries of Muslim rule over that holy land, followed by the partition of the holy land to accommodate the creation of a Muslim

Pakistan, Muslim Bangladesh, Muslim Maldives and a Buddhist Sri Lanka, inflicted a wound on the integrity of that holy land and, by implication, on the Hindu religious consciousness. It also set the stage for a struggle for restoring the integrity of holy ‘Bharat’. History would end, in the Hindu religious view, with such a validation of the Hindu conception of truth that would require Muslim Pakistan and Bangladesh and other surrounding territories that were once ‘Bharat’ to be reabsorbed within the holy land, and that an undivided holy land of ‘Bharat’ under Brahmin Hindu political, economic and religious dominance be restored.

The Brahmin Hindu conception of truth is firmly based on the belief that mankind was created unequally. The Brahmin Hindu is born into the highest caste and is thus the elite of mankind. The rest of non-Brahmin mankind are inferior to him. That belief in inherent superiority and inferiority of human beings naturally lends itself to the establishment of a system of dominance. The implication, in so far as the historical process is concerned, is that history cannot end without the political dominance of a Brahman-ruled ‘Bharat’ over all others within its sphere of influence. The political and economic life of South Asia is moving in precisely that direction.

There are political implications that emerge from this Hindu conception of the end of history. The first is that the approach of an end of the present cycle would necessarily give rise to the emergence of a Hindu religious nationalism that would impact ominously on political and economic relations with non-Hindus (particularly Muslims). That is already occurring.

Secondly it makes it inevitable that those Hindus with faith in the Hindu conception of the end of history would make common cause with those who are now waging war on Islam around the world. They would do so because of the perception of Islam as the major obstacle that stands in the way of Hinduism realizing its historic destiny. They would do so in order to realize the end of history that would validate Hinduism by way of restoring the integrity and undivided unity of the holy Hindu motherland of ‘Maa Bharat’ (mother India). It is precisely for this reason that India is now becoming, after USA, Israel’s most strategic ally in the world.

Let us hasten to note that there are Hindus who would reject this conception of the end of history with Brahmin dominance over the rest of mankind, and would insist that justice, and that fraternity with all of mankind who reciprocate such values, must be the goal of Hinduism in the end of history. It would always be possible for Muslims to build friendship and alliance with such Hindus.


In addition to the belief that history moves in cycles, Hinduism is also based on the belief that life itself is cyclical. We are born, we live, we die, and then we are reborn or we reincarnate.

There has never been any concrete evidence to support belief in reincarnation. Somebody in Sweden might claim to remember his previous life when he lived in such and such place, and might then produce memories of that previous life that cannot normally be explained. Hindus have often used evidence such as this to demonstrate the validity of re-incarnation. But it is not persuasive to others if someone in Sweden has that memory of a previous life. How does it affect the rest of mankind? A man might argue, “If I am to be convinced about this cycle of life in which one is reborn again and again, then I should have personal knowledge of my own previous life (if I did have one). But the fact is that I have no such memory.”

Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah Most High be upon him) has prophesied an event that would occur in the Last Age that Hindus would certainly hail as a spectacular validation of the Hindu claim to truth. What is it?

The Prophet has declared, as only a true Prophet could declare, that a man who would appear to be someone’s dead father (who died some 30 or 40 years ago) would stand in front of him. He would have the physical appearance of that dead father. He would speak with that father’s voice and he would say things that only his father could know. When that happens most of mankind would be completely convinced that the dead was reborn. Would such a thing really happen? Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) has prophesied such a ‘Sign of the Last Age’. Here are his words:

And there will be raised with him (i.e., with Dajjal the false Messiah or Anti-Christ) Satans who would assume the form of those who are dead, and would then speak to those who are alive (i.e., to close relatives of a dead person) “Don’t you recognize me? I am your father; or I am your brother; or some other close relative.” (Kanz al-Ummal).

The Satans who would be raised with Dajjal would be Jinn (i.e., invisible beings who were created from smokeless fire) who are Kuffar (disbelievers). It would be these Jinn who would assume human form and would appear before someone in the form of his dead father and would then speak in the voice of his father and would claim, “I am your father. Don’t you recognize me son?” Cloning appear to me the first step of the road that would lead to that momentous event. After the cloning of sheep, human cloning would become a natural development. When that happens, in another twenty-five years or so, a preserved cell of a long-dead father would be used to create his clone, and a Jinn would then speak through that clone in the voice and with the memory of the real father. Then perhaps this prophecy of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) would also be fulfilled. Hindus would certainly respond to such an event by enthusiastically embracing it as a validation of Hinduism’s claim to truth. But Muslims with knowledge would be able to recognize the fraud.

Source: Signs of the Last Day and the End of History

to be continued....

Saturday 16 July 2022

Signs of the Last Day and the End of History


Signs of the Last Day and the End of History

Insights from Sheikh Imran Hosein

History is more than a mere record of events. History not only records the constant changes that take place in the world but also seeks to interpret that phenomenon of change. An analysis of the historical process, of the movement of history, and of the end of history, emerges from the interpretation of change in the world. It answers many nagging questions.

Is change taking place randomly, or is there a pattern to change? Is the historical process one that would persist unto eternity, or would there be a Last Age and an end to history?

A strange and mysterious Euro-world-order now controls the entire world in its iron grip. It has derived unprecedented power from a continuing scientific and technological revolution that completely changes the whole world. But its power rests on foundations that are essentially godless, decadent and corrupt.

  • It possesses great powers of deception to the extent that it makes falsehood appear to be truth and vice versa. 

  • It tells monstrous lies while relentlessly and unjustly pursuing the goal of oppressing all those who resist its supreme authority.

  • It establishes world government in the name of universal democracy but imposes, instead, universal dictatorship over all mankind.

  • It proclaims the doctrine of free trade but establishes a usurious economy that destroys the fair market.

  • It rips off mankind through a process of legalized theft that reduces the masses around the world to permanent poverty and destitution.

  • It reaps far more blood-stained income in its capacity as the money-lender par excellence of the world than it deceptively doles out in face-saving aid and debt-forgiveness.

  • It is racially, culturally and intellectually arrogant and assumes itself to be not only superior to non-Europeans but that it is the ‘white man’s burden’ to ‘civilize’ the rest of mankind.

  • It is only when non-Europeans imitate their European way of life that they would be recognized as civilized.

  • It leads mankind to dual feminist and sexual revolutions which bring in their wake so much sexual promiscuity and perversity that the institution of the family itself begins to fail and self-destruct.

  • It brings about a mysterious alliance between Christians and Jews, and this is something previously considered impossible. It then uses that mysterious Euro-Christian/Euro-Jewish alliance to liberate the Holy Land, bring the Israelite Jews back to the Holy Land after 2000 years of divinely-ordained exile, and restore a State of Israel in the Holy Land.

There is absolutely nothing in history that can explain the emergence of that strange and mysterious Euro-world order. Is it itself a sign of the Last Day? And can such a civilization and world-order continue to dominate the world indefinitely, or is the world a moral order with a historical process that must eventually culminate with victory for truth, justice, peace, happiness, righteousness, sexual chastity and modesty, racial fraternity, freedom, and equality?

The period 1965-66 was the most exciting of all in our student life at the Aleemiyah Institute of Islamic Studies in Karachi, Pakistan. The head of the Institute, and my learned teacher of blessed memory, Maulana Dr. Muhammad Fazlur Rahman Ansari, succeeded in persuading his distinguished colleague, the philosopher of history, Dr. Burhan Ahmad Faruqi, to leave the city of Lahore and to join the teaching staff of the Institute in Karachi. Dr. Faruqi and Dr. Ansari were colleagues at the Aligarh Muslim University in the 1930s where they both studied philosophy under the guidance of that formidable Muslim philosopher, Professor Dr. Syed Zafarul Hassan. Dr. Faruqi wrote his doctoral thesis in Islamic metaphysics on the topic, ‘A Mujjadid’s Conception of Tauheed’. He courageously undertook, in that book, a critical comparative evaluation of Muhiyuddin Ibn ‘Arabi’s theory of ‘wahdah al-wujud’ (i.e., that all existence is a real unity) with Shaikh Ahmad Sirhindi’s rival theory of ‘wahdah ashshuhud’ (i.e., that all existence only appears to be a unity). More than half a century has passed since he wrote that book and it remains unsurpassed as a landmark in modern Islamic metaphysics. Dr. Ansari’s doctoral thesis, on the other hand, was written on the topic of ‘The Qur’anic Foundations and Structure of Muslim Society’ (in two volumes) and that book remains unsurpassed as a landmark of modern scholarship in Islamic moral philosophy. (If I may, I would like to recommend both these books to the gentle reader.)

These two intellectual giants, Dr. Faruqi and Dr. Ansari, interacted with each other at the Institute with sparks flying in all directions. We, the students, were tremendously stimulated by their exchanges. Dr. Faruqi taught us the Islamic philosophy of history for two unforgettable years before he returned to Lahore. It was Dr. Ansari’s far-sightedness that opened for us those doors to Islam’s conception of the philosophy of history. Such studies are conspicuously absent from today’s Dar al-Ulum where rote learning carries the day.

It is with that philosophy of history that we now attempt to explain Islam’s view of the end of history and to locate the place of the ‘Signs of the Last Day’ in the scheme of things. Let us begin by explaining that Islam conceives of the ‘end of history’ and the ‘end of the world’ as two quite different things.

The ‘end of the world’ would occur with the earth, and skies above, transformed into something spatially and temporally different. Mankind would then be resurrected into the new world to face judgement.

However, the ‘end of history’ would occur sometime prior to the ‘end of the world’, and when it occurs it would close the door of free choice through which human beings could accept the divinely revealed truth and be rewarded for such choice. Islam has provided a substantial body of information known as ‘Signs of the Last Day’ concerning events that would culminate with the ‘end of history’. Only Allah Most High, of course, has knowledge of when the world itself would end.

The Qur’an itself has revealed that the supreme sign of the end of history would be the return of the true Messiah, Jesus, the son of the virgin Mary. And Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah Most High be upon him) went on to inform that the Messiah’s return would herald the final triumph of truth over falsehood, and of justice over oppression and tyranny. The European war on Islam which commenced with the barbaric European crusades, and which witnessed its present foolhardy phase in the brutal and bloody western occupation and oppression of Afghanistan and Iraq, would then end with the divinely ordained destruction of the oppressor. An essentially godless and decadent western civilization would self-destruct through disease. An unstoppable Muslim army that would emerge from Khorasan (i.e., modern-day Afghanistan and neighbouring territories), would eventually sweep away every obstacle in its path as it liberates all occupied territories all the way to Jerusalem. Thus history would end with victory for Islam.

The non-Muslim reader must pause to ask himself a question. What would be the consequence for him if Muhammad (peace be upon him) is indeed truthful when he declared that he is a Prophet, like unto, Abraham, Moses and Jesus (peace be upon them all), and that the Qur’an which he delivered to mankind is indeed the true and uncorrupted word of the One God?

Let us note at the time of writing of this essay that the armed Islamic resistance to the oppressor in both Afghanistan and Iraq has not only emerged but is already demonstrating a capacity to stay the course for the next 20 or 30 years until victory is achieved. I doubt whether this final war of all wars would take more time than that to end.

The word of Allah Most High has declared such an end to history, and the ‘Word’ of Allah Most High never changes:

For them (the believers in Allah Most High who, for example, resist the war on Islam) are Glad Tidings in the life of this world (i.e., victory for Islam) as well as in the Hereafter (the reward of paradise). No change can there be in the Words of Allah. This is indeed the supreme Felicity.” (Qur’an, Yunus, 10:64)

Before we turn to the rest of the essays in this book and to ‘Signs of the Last Day’ in Islam, we attempt to make a very brief comparative review of the different conceptions of the historical process, the movement of history and the end of history in Hinduism, Judaism, Christianity and, finally, in the view of modern western civilization. The Hindu view is that the movement of history is continuously cyclic. The Jewish view is linear and regressive, and so too is the Christian view. Western civilization conceives of the movement of history as linear and progressive, while the Islamic view is that it is zig-zig since it is conditioned by the triumphs and failures in a moral struggle that is waged by essentially free moral agents.

Source: Signs of the Last Day and the End of History

to be continued....

Saturday 9 July 2022

Ruling System: Appointment of the Ruler & Law making


Ruling System: Appointment of the Ruler


Khaleefah must have seven conditions

· Muslim

· Sane

· Free

· Male

· Mature (Baligh)

· Adl (opposite of fasiq)

· Is capable of ruling (Qadir)

The Khaleefah is appointed either by the people directly or through their representatives


The ruler should have qualification as pronounced by article 62 & 63 of the constitution

· Muslim

· Mature

· Graduate

· Good Muslim etc.

People elect the parliament which in turn elects the Prime Minister through voting

Ruling System: Law making - the actual cause of corruption


· Political system gets cleaned from corrupt people

· The representatives cannot use the system to cover up their corruption by legislating laws for their own interests.

· “Professional politicians” find no reason to invest millions as the job of the representative is to be serving the Ummah rather than a source of money making and exerting power.


· Corrupt people are attracted towards politics like bees towards nectar.

· The process of law making gives parliamentarians the authority to make laws to not only protect their interests rather legitimize their corruption.

· “Professional politicians” invest millions of rupees in elections and rear “Gangs”, to keep sincere people out of the political arena.

· Once in power, the corrupt entourage of these “Professional Politicians” i.e. the local “Gangs” become untouchables, free to take “bribes” and kidnap for ransom

· Hence democracy is the actual source of corruption in the society. It starts from the politicians at the top and goes all they way to the bottom with local “Gangs” who have the protection and backing of these politicians and Govt. institutions

Ruling System: Political Environment


· Islam obliges every individual to be politically aware. This produces a political environment which keeps the ruler in check.

· It is achieved through following means Multiple Political parties Media Education system.

· Nobody is barred from political activity.

· Nobody is allowed to make parties or organizations from basis other than Islam.


· In democracy one is not obliged to be politically aware.

· Certain cross-sections are prohibited from participating in Politics

o All civil servants

o Students

o Teachers

Ruling System: Rules regarding Political Parties


· No permission required to establish political parties, rather it is Fard Kafaya to establish it.

· There is no such thing as ruling party or opposition party.

· Every political party gives allegiance to the Khaleefah and is required to obey him in private and public as long as he rules by Islam.

· Every party has the right to voice her opinion and work to build public opinion for it.

· It is obligated (Fard) for every political party to account the ruler and build awareness and build public opinion against the unjust acts of the ruler.

· Political parties are not allowed to destabilize or weaken the authority of the Khaleefah as long as he is implementing Islam.

· Political parties are responsible in maintaining public opinion for the implementation of Islam and strengthening the system.


· There is a ruling party/coalition and an opposition.

· The opposition works to remove the government through constitutional means i.e. No-confidence vote, or extra-constitutional means like agitation, civil disobedience, strikes.

· Political party may account the ruler or chose to keep quiet under the principal of “freedom of expression.”

Ruling System: Political Structure


Institutions of Khilafah system

· Khaleefah

· Muawin Tafweedh (Delegated Assistant)

· Muawin Tanfeez (Executive Assistant)

· Walies (Governors)

· Ameer ul Jihad

· Internal Security

· The foreign affairs

· Industry

· The Judiciary

· The administration system (the people’s affairs)

· Bait ul-mal (the state treasury)

· Media

· Majlis al-Ummah


Institutions of Parliamentary Democracy

· Executive

o Prime Minister

o Cabinet

o Governors

o Civil Servants & Bureaucracy

· Legislature

o National Assembly

o Senate

· Judiciary

Ruling System: Political Hierarchy (Flow Chart)


· Elected directly by the Ummah Or

· By Muslim members of Majlis-e-Ummah

All Citizens of Khilafah


· Elected by the people to represent them

· Short lists nominees for Khaleefah

· Scrutinize newly adopted laws and decision of the Khaleefah

· Make the Khaleefah change the Walies

Delegated Assistant

· Has all powers of ruling like the Khaleefah

· Has to report to Khaleefah after taking an action.

· His ruling can not contradict the adoption of Khaleefah

Executive Assistant

· Only has executive powers

· No ruling powers

· Implements rulings of the Khaleefah and brings him feedback from the Ummah


· Three types of qadies, Qadhi Aam, Qadhi Mohtasib, Qadhi Mazalim

· Qadhi Mazalim can impeach the Khaleefah. During the hearing the Khaleefah cannot remove the Qadhi

The State Departments

· A body of the people which executes the Islamic State’s orders

· Motor vehicle dept.

· Zakah Collection dept.

· Marriage and divorce dept.

· And others


· Appointed by the Khaleefah

· Assists the Khaleefah in ruling and implementing Islam in the province

· Distributes income to public and collects funds for the State

Ameer Al-Jihad

· Foreign Affairs

· Internal Affairs

· Military

· The Industry

· Ameer Al-Jihad heads all the above departments