
Saturday 9 July 2022

Ruling System: Appointment of the Ruler & Law making


Ruling System: Appointment of the Ruler


Khaleefah must have seven conditions

· Muslim

· Sane

· Free

· Male

· Mature (Baligh)

· Adl (opposite of fasiq)

· Is capable of ruling (Qadir)

The Khaleefah is appointed either by the people directly or through their representatives


The ruler should have qualification as pronounced by article 62 & 63 of the constitution

· Muslim

· Mature

· Graduate

· Good Muslim etc.

People elect the parliament which in turn elects the Prime Minister through voting

Ruling System: Law making - the actual cause of corruption


· Political system gets cleaned from corrupt people

· The representatives cannot use the system to cover up their corruption by legislating laws for their own interests.

· “Professional politicians” find no reason to invest millions as the job of the representative is to be serving the Ummah rather than a source of money making and exerting power.


· Corrupt people are attracted towards politics like bees towards nectar.

· The process of law making gives parliamentarians the authority to make laws to not only protect their interests rather legitimize their corruption.

· “Professional politicians” invest millions of rupees in elections and rear “Gangs”, to keep sincere people out of the political arena.

· Once in power, the corrupt entourage of these “Professional Politicians” i.e. the local “Gangs” become untouchables, free to take “bribes” and kidnap for ransom

· Hence democracy is the actual source of corruption in the society. It starts from the politicians at the top and goes all they way to the bottom with local “Gangs” who have the protection and backing of these politicians and Govt. institutions

Ruling System: Political Environment


· Islam obliges every individual to be politically aware. This produces a political environment which keeps the ruler in check.

· It is achieved through following means Multiple Political parties Media Education system.

· Nobody is barred from political activity.

· Nobody is allowed to make parties or organizations from basis other than Islam.


· In democracy one is not obliged to be politically aware.

· Certain cross-sections are prohibited from participating in Politics

o All civil servants

o Students

o Teachers

Ruling System: Rules regarding Political Parties


· No permission required to establish political parties, rather it is Fard Kafaya to establish it.

· There is no such thing as ruling party or opposition party.

· Every political party gives allegiance to the Khaleefah and is required to obey him in private and public as long as he rules by Islam.

· Every party has the right to voice her opinion and work to build public opinion for it.

· It is obligated (Fard) for every political party to account the ruler and build awareness and build public opinion against the unjust acts of the ruler.

· Political parties are not allowed to destabilize or weaken the authority of the Khaleefah as long as he is implementing Islam.

· Political parties are responsible in maintaining public opinion for the implementation of Islam and strengthening the system.


· There is a ruling party/coalition and an opposition.

· The opposition works to remove the government through constitutional means i.e. No-confidence vote, or extra-constitutional means like agitation, civil disobedience, strikes.

· Political party may account the ruler or chose to keep quiet under the principal of “freedom of expression.”

Ruling System: Political Structure


Institutions of Khilafah system

· Khaleefah

· Muawin Tafweedh (Delegated Assistant)

· Muawin Tanfeez (Executive Assistant)

· Walies (Governors)

· Ameer ul Jihad

· Internal Security

· The foreign affairs

· Industry

· The Judiciary

· The administration system (the people’s affairs)

· Bait ul-mal (the state treasury)

· Media

· Majlis al-Ummah


Institutions of Parliamentary Democracy

· Executive

o Prime Minister

o Cabinet

o Governors

o Civil Servants & Bureaucracy

· Legislature

o National Assembly

o Senate

· Judiciary

Ruling System: Political Hierarchy (Flow Chart)


· Elected directly by the Ummah Or

· By Muslim members of Majlis-e-Ummah

All Citizens of Khilafah


· Elected by the people to represent them

· Short lists nominees for Khaleefah

· Scrutinize newly adopted laws and decision of the Khaleefah

· Make the Khaleefah change the Walies

Delegated Assistant

· Has all powers of ruling like the Khaleefah

· Has to report to Khaleefah after taking an action.

· His ruling can not contradict the adoption of Khaleefah

Executive Assistant

· Only has executive powers

· No ruling powers

· Implements rulings of the Khaleefah and brings him feedback from the Ummah


· Three types of qadies, Qadhi Aam, Qadhi Mohtasib, Qadhi Mazalim

· Qadhi Mazalim can impeach the Khaleefah. During the hearing the Khaleefah cannot remove the Qadhi

The State Departments

· A body of the people which executes the Islamic State’s orders

· Motor vehicle dept.

· Zakah Collection dept.

· Marriage and divorce dept.

· And others


· Appointed by the Khaleefah

· Assists the Khaleefah in ruling and implementing Islam in the province

· Distributes income to public and collects funds for the State

Ameer Al-Jihad

· Foreign Affairs

· Internal Affairs

· Military

· The Industry

· Ameer Al-Jihad heads all the above departments

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