
Friday 11 October 2019

UNIVERSAL MESSENGER Muhammad the Greatest

Muhammad (pbuh) could never afford any such latitudes. Remember, how the Almighty reminded him of the highest etiquette required from him. Even the thought of being ruffled by the untimely intrusion of a blind man, was not accepted from him {see Surah "He frowned']. As a universal Messenger, God set for him the most lofty standards: 
And Most Certainly, Thou (O Muhammad) Are of most sublime And Exalted Character. 
Holy Quran 68:4

And his diocese, his field of mission? The whole of mankind!
And We sent thee not (O Muhammad), but as a mercy unto (all) the worlds. 
Holy Quran 21:107

These are not mere platitudes; beautiful sentiments bereft of action. Muhammad (pbuh) practised what he preached. Among his first Sahabas (companions) and converts, beside the Arabs can be counted Bilal the Abyssinian, Salman the Persian and Abdullah Bin-Salaam the Jew. The sceptics may say that his outreach was simply incidental but what can they say about the historical fact that before his demise, he sent out five epistles, one to each of the five surrounding countries, inviting them to accept the religion of Islam.
1. The Emperor of Persia
2. The King of Egypt
3. The Negus of Abyssinia
4. The Emperor Hiraclius at Constantinople, and
5. The King of Yemen

Thus he set the example for the fulfilment of his impelling mission, his "greatness of purpose," the reclamation of the whole of humanity into the Master's fold. Is there another example of such universality in another religion? Muhammad (pbuh) was not out to set or to break any records, he was simply carrying out the trust that was reposed in him by the Lord of Creation!

Muhammad (pbuh) was born with no silver spoon in his mouth. His life begins with infinitesimal support. His father had died before he was bom. His mother dies by the time he was six years old. He was doubly orphaned at this tender age, his grandfather Abdul-Muttalib takes charge of the child, but within three years he also died. As soon as he was able, he began to look after his uncle Abu Talib's sheep and goats for his keep. Contrast this poor, double-orphaned Arab child with some of the great religious personalities that preceded him, and you must marvel at what Destiny had in store for him!

Abraham (pbuh) the spiritual father of Moses, Jesus and Muhammad (May the peace of God be upon them all), was the son of a very successful businessman of his time. Moses (pbuh) was reared in the house of Pharoah. Jesus (pbuh) though described as "a carpenter and the son of a carpenter," was well endowed with learning as well as material means. Peter, Philip, Andrew, etc. all downed tools and followed him to be at his beck and call, not because he had any halo [Halo.- An imaginary luminous ring or disc surrounding the head of saintly men and women in religious paintings.] on his head; there was no such thing, but because of his affluent attire and princely bearing. He could command mansions in Jerusalem for himself and his disciples even during the height of the festive season; and have sumptuous suppers arranged; and you could hear him reproach the materialistic Jews -
And when they found him (Jesus) on the other side of the sea, they said to him, "Rabbi, when did you come here?"

Jesus answered them and said, "most assuredly, I say to you, you seek me, not because you saw the signs, [The veracity of the Messiah's message and his mission.] but because you ate of the loaves and were filled. John 6:25-26

To Be Continued....

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