
Friday 4 October 2019

GREATNESS OF PURPOSE Muhammad the Greatest

Before we absolve Lamartine of any favouritism, partiality, or of the charge of being bribed, we will scrutinize his three standards, and whether they can be justified in the case of Muhammad {pbuh). 
History of the time will tell you that it was the darkest period in the history of mankind when Muhammad {pbuh} was commanded to declare his mission. The need was for the raising of prophets in every corner of the world, or the sending of one Master Messenger for the whole of mankind, to deliver them from falsehood, superstition, selfishness, polytheism, wrong and oppression. It was to be the reclamation of the whole of humanity. And God Almighty in His wisdom chose His prophet from the backwaters of Arabia as His universal Messenger. Thus He records in His Noble Book

Holy Quran 21:107

"There is no question now of race or nation, of a "chosen people" or the "seed of Abraham," or the "seed of David": or of Hindu Arya varta; of Jew or Gentile. Arab or 'Ajam {Persian), Turk or Tajik, European or Asiatic, White or Coloured; Aryan, Semitic, Mongolian, or African: or American, Australian, or Polynesian. To all men and creatures who have any spiritual responsibility, the principles universally apply."
Abdullah Yusut Ali [Get your copy now of Yusuf Ali's English translation and cornrnentary, with over 6000 annotations. Obtain a copy for your non-Muslim friend, also.]

Muhammad's (pbuh) immediate predecessor advised his disciples, 
"Give not that which is holy unto the dogs" (meaning non-Jews}, "Neither cast ye your pearls before swine" (meaning non-Jews), Matthew 7:6. 

The Gospel writers are unanimous in recording that Christ lived by the precepts which he preached. In his lifetime he did not preach to a single non-Jew. In fact he spurned a gentile woman who sought his spiritual blessings {"the woman was a Greek'' Mark 7:26). Then during the "Passover" season in Jerusalem when the master with his disciples had congregated for the occasion, certain Greeks hearing of his reputation sought an audience with him for spiritual enlightenment, but Jesus {pbuh} gave them the "cold shoulder'' [Means a deliberately unkind or unfriendly treatment; a slight; a snub.] as narrated by St.John:

And there were certain Greeks among them that came up to worship at the feast: The same came therefore to Philip . . . and desired him saying, Sir, we would see Jesus. Philip cometh and telleth Andrew: and again Andrew and Philip tell Jesus. John 12:20-22

The verses that follow do not even record the courtesy of "Yea,yea;" or "Nay, nay;" (Yes, yes or no, no of Matthew 5:37). They continue with his own praise
And Jesus answered them (Andrew and Philip), saying, The hour is come, that the son of man (referring to himself} should be glorified. John 12:23

To Be Continued....

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