
Friday 10 August 2018



It  is  important  to  know   that   there   are  two  significant words   that  are  used  in connection   with  both  Allah  (SWT) and  His  Messenger   Muhammad    (SAW). One of these is "Obedience"   and   the other   one is “Love".   Likewise   the word   love  has  been  used  both  for  Allah  (SWT) and  his Messenger   Muhammad   (SAW). For instance, as is stated in Ayat No.24 of Surah Al-Tauba (The Repentance):

"Say: If your  fathers,  your  sons, your brothers,  your wives,   your   kindred,    the  wealth   that   you   have gained,   the commerce  in which  you  fear  a decline, and  the  dwellings   in which  you  delight  are  dearer to you  than  Allah  and  His Messenger  (Muhammad SAW), and  striving  hard  and  fighting  in His Cause  , then   wait   until   Allah  brings   about   His  Decision (torment).  And Allah guides not the people who are Al-Fasiqun (the rebellious, disobedient   to Allah)."
(At-Tauba 9:24)

So here we find mention of both, love for Allah (SWT) and love for His Messenger Muhammad (SAW) and along with this ardent desire for Jihad Fi Sabeel Allah has also been mentioned.

Now listen carefully to what I am about to say by way of explaining this. When you put together “Love for Allah" and “Obedience to Allah," the sum total is referred to as "worship” or 'Ibadah. Allah alone will be worshipped and not His Messenger Muhammad (SAW}. On the other hand when you combine "Love for the Messenger (SAW)"and "Obedience to the Messenger (SAW)" the result is not called worship rather it is called Itteba’a i.e.  "True Following".   

The  precise  meaning  of worship  is  to be Allah's slave (or servant) and to prostrate oneself in veneration and humility before Him with utmost love for Him. And the precise meaning  of True Following is "To tread  in someone's  footsteps being  overcome with  deep love for him". What then is the difference between obedience and true following? Obedience is in reply to an order.  And true following is to develop love for someone so  much   that   even   if  that   person   has   not   ordered something every action and practice of that person will be followed and emulated.

Therefore 'true following' is much superior to mere obedience and has much wider and deeper meaning. Obedience concerns itself only with  the order; but  in the case of true following, emulating each and every practice, action and in fact all mannerisms of the Prophet Muhammad  (SAW) would   be  considered  an  honour whether  ordered so by the Prophet (SAW) or not. To sum up, love for the Prophet (SAW) demands  true following of the Prophet  Muhammad (SAW) in even minor details of life and conduct.

To Be Continued....

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