
Friday 3 August 2018

An Address of Key Importance by Dr. Israr Ahmad

An Address of Key Importance by Dr. Israr Ahmad

The following  address was  delivered  by  respected Dr. Israr Ahmad  where  he was invited  to address  a meeting  by the Islami Jamiat-e-Tulaba   (Islamic Students  Organization) of  Allama   Iqbal  Medical   College-Lahore,    in  the  College Hostel's    Mosque   situated    inside   the  Punjab   University Campus,     on   14th    November     1987.    The   address    was transcribed   from the audio tape by (Late) Shaikh Jamil-ur Rahman.

I seek refuge in Allah from Satan, the rejected,
In the name of Allah The Beneficent, The Merciful,
"We  verily   sent  Our  messengers    with   clear  proofs,   and revealed  with  them  the Scripture  and  the Balance  (Justice), that  mankind    may  observe   right  measure   (may  keep  up justice);  and  He revealed  iron, wherein  is mighty  power  (in matters  of war)  and  (many) uses for mankind,   .... "
(Al-Hadeed 57: 25)

And "He it is Who hath  sent His Messenger  (Muhammad   SAW) with  the guidance   and  the religion  of truth  (Islam),  that He may cause  it to prevail  over all religion .... "
(Al-Fat’h 48: 28)
And "Say  (to mankind   0  Muhammad    SAW); If ye  love  Allah (SWT), follow  me;  Allah  (SWT) will  love  you  and  forgive your  sins. Allah (SWT) is Forgiving, Merciful."
(Aal-e-lmran - 3: 31)

Dear Students! 
I have just been informed that the topic of my speech tonight    has been decided as 'Love for Muhammad (SAW) the Messenger of Allah   (SWT) and what   it Demands'.  I  was  not  informed   of this  until  now and   was  instead   told  in  general   terms   that  I would   be required  to  speak   on  the  Seerah  of Prophet   Muhammad (SAW), upon  whom  be Allah's  blessings  and  peace.  In any case  there  is not  much  difference or  divergence between the  two  and   they  can  easily  be  linked   with   each  other. They are in fact inseparable and entail each other.  

 But my speech  tonight  will largely  be set in the context  of an Ayat of  Surah Al-Hadeed  (The  Iron),  which  was  the  topic  of  a lengthy   discourse  I just  delivered   at  the  Quran  Academy before  coming  here.  This was  precisely   the  reason  why  I had  sought   excuse  from  coming  to this  gathering tonight since  I hold  lectures  at the Quran  Academy on Saturdays after  Maghrib prayers.   We  (at  the  Quran   Academy) have been  studying  Surah Al-Hadeed  (The  Iron)  in  sessions  for the past  eight weeks,  and in today's  session  the 25th Ayat of this Surah came  under  discussion, the recitation of which  I did  at the outset  of my speech.

Many  of you  must  probably   have  seen  the  notice  in  the newspapers today where  I had stated  three questions in connection  with   this  lecture.   

Firstly,   "Is Islam Simply A Missionary  Religion  (like Christianity)  Propagated For Dogma Or Personal  Piety Only Or Is It  A  Complete Way of Life Demanding  Revolutionary or Radical Changes At The Collective Level?" 

Secondly “What does an Islamic Revolution truly aim to achieve?"   

And thirdly "Is it permissible to use force in bringing about an Islamic Revolution?"  

It is with  reference  to these  three  questions and within  the context  of the Prophet Muhammad's  Seerah, Allah's  blessings  and  peace  be upon him,    that   I   will   be   speaking    further.    As   far   as   its relationship  to the topic suggested by you is concerned, an obvious   link between   the  two  is the  fact  that  the primary demand that love for Muhammad  (SAW) the Messenger of Allah   (SWT)  entails   is   true   following  of  the   Prophet Muhammad  (SAW) in letter  and  spirit.  To emphasize and lend strength to this particular   point  I recited  Ayat number 31 of  Surah   Aal-i-lmran   (The  Family   of  Imran),   which makes  quite  evident  the significance  of such  true following in our religion.  It reads:
"Say (to mankind   O Muhammad   SAW): "If you love Allah then truly follow me (i.e.  the Prophet   Muhammad   SAW), follow my chosen path, so that Allah loves you and forgives your sins. And Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful."
(Aal-e-lmran - 3: 31)

To Be Continued....

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