
Friday 13 July 2018

To Restore the Khilafah, first Restore the Authentic Jama´ah

In order for the Khilafah to be restored, the Jama´ah must first be restored! It must be an authentic Jama´ah under the leadership of an authentic Ameer/Imam who has a commanding knowledge of the Qur´an and Sunnah. Authenticity requires that the members of the Jama´ah give the Baiy´ah to the Ameer/Imam and must then strictly adhere to the discipline of “listening and obeying” in all matters which do not involve disobedience of Allah (SWT) or His Messenger (SAW). Such a Jama´ah is needed so as to wage an organized and collective struggle for the restoration of the Khilafah and of Dar Al-Islam, for the purpose of establishing the Islamic socio-political system (Iqamah Al-Deen).

The methodology for the restoration of the Khilafah is that a revolutionary struggle has to be waged. The Islamic Movements in Turkey, Pakistan, Malaysia, and Algeria need to be urgently, yet gently, reminded of this fact. That Jama´ah will cease to be an authentic Jama´ah which registers itself as a political party in a secular State, and then participates in democratic elections on the basis of acceptance of a Constitution which claims sovereignty for itself. Although the Pakistani Constitution has an Objectives Resolution attached to it, the painful truth is that, since the birth of the State, de facto sovereignty has always been located with the State. It has never been accorded to Almighty Allah (SWT). And so there has been no practical difference between the shirk of the Pakistani Constitution and the shirk that is inherent in the claim of sovereignty in the Constitutions of all secular States.

The authentic Jama´ah must be engaged in a struggle to build power, such power as would permit it to sustain its control over any territory which may be restored to status of Dar Al-Islam, and to wage the struggle form that territory to liberate the Haramain and Hejaz. When it does so, the authentic Jama´ah will be re-realizing that historical process and golden age which witnessed the Prophet (SAW) establishing his base in Madinah and then struggling from there to liberate Makkah.

The authentic Jama´ah cannot be engaged in sectarian strife. On the contrary, it must establish itself on that authentic foundation of Aqeedah, and must function with that Hikmah of tolerance, as can attract Muslims form every dimension of the authentic belief spectrum. Then, having attracted them, it must weed out manifestly un-Islamic beliefs and then maintain tolerance in respect of harmless differences which exist at the periphery of the belief spectrum. The authentic Jama´ah would reach out to the Shi´ah Muslims and to Islamic Iran, and search for the authentic common bond of Aqeedah with which to build a foundation for strategic cooperation and solidarity in the pursuit of a common goal.

It should be quite clear that today´s intolerant Salafi Muslims, who take their primary inspiration from Ibn Saud´s stringent Wahhabi Ikhwan, can hardly function as an authentic Jama´ah. They wage a thoroughly obnoxious Jihad against harmless differences located at the periphery of the belief spectrum, while shamelessly betraying the very substance of the revolutionary struggle for the liberation from oppression and for the triumph of the truth of Islam over the falsehood and evil which today dominate the world, and which is descending upon mankind from every direction (min kulli hdabin yansiloon).

The authentic Jama´ah, finally, must be engaged in the effort for moral and spiritual purification and growth (Tazkiyyah) of its members. Without the spiritual magnetism and rapture which comes from the mobilization of the heart, the Ameer and the leaders of the Jama´ah will not succeed in attracting the masses of Muslims for active, spontaneous, and dynamic participation in the revolutionary struggle. This, indeed, was one of the weaknesses of the Jama´ah founded by Maulana Sayyid Abul A´la Maududi, the Jama´at-e-Islami. May Allah (SWT) guide the Jama´at-e-Islami to correct this weakness. And may Allah (SAW) bless the learned Maulana whose great service to the cause of Islam will never be forgotten. Aameen!

To be Continued....

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