
Friday 6 July 2018

Conspirators in the destruction of Dar Al Islam

Shareef Al-Husain, the great-grandfather of the present King Husain of Jordan, claimed the Khilafah on March 7, 1924, four days after the announcement from the Turkish Grand National Assembly abolishing the Khilafah. He was appointed by the Ottoman Caliph as the Shareef of Makkah, but had rebelled against Istanbul and, as a client of the British, had fully cooperated in the British effort to defeat the Ottoman Empire. His reward was a princely seven million Sterling pounds payoff from the British Treasury. In claiming the Khilafah, however, he ran afoul of the basic British and Zionist objective in the war against the Ottoman Empire. The war was not just a war against the Turks. It was a war against Islam. The objective was the destruction of the Khilafah and the emasculation of the Muslims world so that the Jewish State of Israel could be restored, and the faith of Muslims destroyed.

Shareef Al-Husain´s claim to the Khilafah threatened the entire scheme of the British and the Zionists. And so they had to get rid of him. They did it with diabolical cunning. They gave the green light to another British client Abdul Aziz Ibn Saud, head of the Saudi-Wahhabi alliance (which had briefly captured Makkah about a hundred years previously) to attack Husain. Abdul Aziz had cooperated with the British in the destruction of the Ottoman Empire through concluding a Treaty of Benevolent Neutrality with the British in1916. His payoff from the British Treasury for his treachery to Islam was a less princely sum of five thousand Sterling pounds a month. He explained to his gullible Salafi Ikhwan that this was Jizyah. They accepted this explanation!

The British-Zionist political strategy succeeded in replacing Husain with a Saudi-Wahhabi monarchy which effectively prevented the restoration of the Khilafah. The plan was simple yet brilliant. No one could possibly be recognized as Khalifa and win legitimacy for his Khilafah unless he controlled the Haramain and the Hajj. No one could succeed in controlling the Haramain and the Hajj so long as the Saudi regime, supported militarily by the West, remained in control of Arabia. And the Saudi-Wahhabis could never be so stupid as to claim the Khilafah for themselves. After all, what happened to Shareef Al-Husain was supposed to function as a warning. It did! And the Wahhabis abandoned the Khilafah!

The reality, therefore, is that the Khilafah could not, and still cannot, be restored until Arabia is liberated and Dar Al-Islam is restored. And while the struggle to restore the Khilafah must never (Insha Allah) cease, we also recognize the possibility that the liberation of Arabia may not take place until the advent of Imam Al-Mahdi.

When the Imam Al-Mahdi does emerge, however, he will need the Jama´ah of Muslims to support him and to struggle with him. This, then, is the imperative for the creation of the authentic Islamic revolutionary movement or Jama´ah. There is a greater need for that Jama´ah in South Asia than in other parts of the world since this is the implication of the appearance of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad in South Asia. In other words, the evil force which is paving the way for the coming of the Al-Masih Al-Dajjal itself recognized the enormous potential which South Asian Muslims possessed for waging a successful struggle for the renaissance of Islam in the modern godless age, and it was because of this that Mirza Ghulam Ahmad emerged in South Asia rather than in the Arab world or Africa, etc.

To be Continued....

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