
Friday 14 July 2017

Real Reasons for War On Iran - Will Israel Attack Iran?

Real Reasons for War On Iran

It should be clear that the primary purpose of an Israeli attack on Iran would be political, economic and strategic (grabbing Iran’s oil and gas and getting rid of a hostile Islamic regime) rather than strictly military, since Iran poses no significant military threat to either Israel or the West. What are the likely political, economic and strategic objectives of a war on Iran and how do they relate to the Euro-Jewish state’s ultimate destiny?  

The use of nuclear weapons against a weaker non-nuclear state would clearly represent a manifestly disproportionate, unjust and immoral response to a presumed distant potential threat.  But Israel’s use of nuclear weapons in an attack on Iran would advance her strategic objective of replacing USA as the ‘ruling state’ in the world since a ruling state must not only be a nuclear-weapons state but must also demonstrate its preparedness to use that power.  

It is only when religious scholarship is combined with scholarship in international affairs that one can discover the ultimate Israeli strategic objective that is linked with the Jewish belief in the advent of “a Messiah who would rule the world from the throne of David, i.e., the Holy State of Israel”. The Messiah would thus restore the golden age of David and Solomon (peace and blessings of Allah Most High be upon them both) when the believers (in the One true God) ruled the world from the Holy Land. This is precisely what Jesus would do when he returns. But they rejected him as the true Messiah and are hence now condemned to be complicit in the nuclear adventure that the false Messiah is about to unleash upon an unsuspecting mankind. 

Implications For Christians

If Israel succeeds in replacing USA as the ruling state in the world, such a spectacular success would certainly be used to validate the Jewish claim to ‘truth’. Christians need to be reminded, however, that the Jewish version of truth is one in which Jesus, the son of the virgin Mary, is considered to be a ‘bastard’ and an ‘imposter’ whose death “by hanging” (crucifixion is considered to be a form of hanging) confirmed him as “the cursed of the Lord-God”. (Deuteronomy, 21:23) This can hardly be expected to give comfort to the large number of Christians who have been duped into supporting the Euro-Jewish State willy-nilly on the grounds that such support fulfil Biblical prophecy.  

It seems likely that Christian blindness of that true Israeli goal would persist until the true Messiah, the son of Mary, himself returns and kills the false Messiah or Anti-Christ. When, at that time, they will finally wake up to the grand deception, it would be too late to change course and avert the punishment which awaits those who persisted in their solidarity with Israel despite its godlessness, wickedness and oppression. 

Christians should now carefully consider the fact that Muslims share with them common beliefs such as: 
  • Jesus was born of a virgin mother;
  • he was the true Messiah;
  • he performed many miracles;
  • the Israelites were denounced for their wickedness;
  • Christ they conspire to crucify him;
  • Allah Most High raised him unto Himself;
  • Jesus will one day return to rule world with justice (from Jerusalem);
  • his return will result in the triumph of truth over falsehood and  justice over injustice in the world;
  • his return will bring an end to history; and most Muslims as well as Christians believe that his triumphant messianic return is now imminent. 
It remains now for Christians to come to Islam where they will find a Jesus who is not God, nor son of God, but His Messenger or Prophet. In Islam the One God neither begets nor is begotten, and none is like unto Him. Islam declares that God Himself made it appear unto the Jews that Jesus was crucified whereas he was not!

Iran Could Withdraw From NPT and Begin The Quest For A Nuclear Deterrent

Whether or not nuclear weapons are used in an Israeli attack on Iran, the fact remains that such an attack would almost certainly result in an Iranian withdrawal from the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. The Iranian people and government would then solemnly commit themselves to struggle, by any means necessary, to acquire an Iranian nuclear weapons deterrent with which to protect themselves from the bandits who now rule the world. Such a response would find clear support from the Qur’an itself that has ordered Muslims to build power to the maximum extent possible (and that most certainly includes nuclear power) so that such power might function as a deterrent and be used to protect mankind from oppression, chaos and anarchy: 
 “And build the maximum power that you can possibly build (to be used) against them, and this includes steeds of war (hence missiles, etc.), to strike terror into (the hearts of) the enemies of Allah as well as your enemies, and other (enemies) besides, whom ye may not know, but whom Allah doth know. Whatever ye shall spend in the Cause of Allah (for the purpose of building that military strength) shall be repaid unto you, and ye shall not be treated unjustly.” 
Qur’an, al-Anfal, 8:60
“(And be warned that) the disbelievers are allies one of another: unless ye do this (i.e., build power and establish alliances with those who are friendly to you), there would be tumult and oppression on earth, and great anarchy.” 
Qur’an, al-Anfal, 8:73

Indeed Mohammed-Nabi Rudaki, deputy chairman of the Iranian parliament’s National Security and Foreign Policy Commission, has already warned that his country might resign its membership in the International Atomic Energy Agency and withdraw from the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.  

The Iranians would also be following in the example of Pakistan whose then leader, Zulfiqar ‘Ali Bhutto, responded to the carefully-timed intimidation of the Indian nuclear explosion in April 1974 (India’s response to the Lahore Islamic Summit Conference of February 1974) with a national commitment to develop a Pakistani nuclear deterrent “even if we have to eat grass”. Pakistan eventually succeeded in that effort and there is no reason to doubt that the Iranians could eventually do likewise. It would only be a matter of time. An attack on Iran would thus set the world up for an Armageddon that Christians already expect. Only the deaf, dumb and blind would fail to distinguish the aggressor from the victims of aggression in that final war of all wars, and only those devoid of faith would fail to recognize that justice and truth must triumph over oppression and falsehood when the true Messiah returns. Those who have eyes and can see the truth explained in these humble essays should accept Islam (and get on board the Ark) before the deluge comes. 

To be Continued....

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