
Friday 7 July 2017

Implications of Iran Secretly Pursuing a Nuclear Weapons Program - Will Israel Attack Iran?

Implications of Iran Secretly Pursuing a Nuclear Weapons Program

If Iran were to secretly seek to develop nuclear weapons while publicly denying such, then whenever that is confirmed it would result in a devastating and irreparable loss of the regime’s Islamic credentials. After all, the Qur’an has firmly commanded Muslims to honor treaty obligations:  

“O ye who believe! Fulfill (all) obligations (and this includes treaty obligations)…” 
Qur’an, al-Maidah, 5:1

Islamic Iran therefore has a religious duty to honour its obligation under the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty to refrain from the development and acquisition of nuclear weapons. In addition to that religious duty to negotiate in “good faith” and to honour treaty obligations, Iran’s leadership position of the Shia Islamic world and its continuing rivalry with Sunni Islam should be sufficient to convince the world that Shia Iran would never commit such an act of religious suicide (i.e., violating its solemn treaty obligations).  

The problem that we now face is that today’s Judeo Christian Euro-world-order is incapable of trusting anyone at all. They have established a record of deceit, cunning, double standards and lies in the conduct of their affairs with the non European world. They have given their word and then broken that word time and again. They have repudiated and violated solemn treaty obligations time and again. They have planned and executed terrorist attacks upon innocent people in many parts of the world, including their own cities, and then blamed it on others in order to justify war on Afghanistan, Iraq and Islam. The nuclear impasse with Iran, and the dubious justification that it provides for war on that country, are obviously deliberately and maliciously contrived.  

The western world has established an immoral norm in the ethics of warfare in which war can now be waged on the basis of maliciously conceived presumption. This has truly ominous implications for mankind. Only Gog, Magog, bandits and scoundrels wage wars of aggression based on lies in order to seize other peoples’ oil and gas resources. Malcolm X would have warned them that “chickens do come home to roost”.  

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) on the other hand, set a lofty standard for the conduct of state in respect of the ethics of war. His Sunnah, or example, is that war is waged only in response to aggression, or in order to liberate the oppressed (on the condition that they, the oppressed, themselves cry out for help to be liberated). The Qur’anic revelation itself recognized that the blessed Prophet disliked war. But Allah Most High warned that if some men did not stand up against the wickedness of others the earth would be reduced to chaos and anarchy: 

 “By Allah’s will they routed them: and David slew Goliath: and Allah gave him Power and Wisdom and taught him whatever (else) He willed. And did not Allah check one set of people by means of another (who would stand up to confront them), the earth would indeed be full of mischief: but Allah is full of bounty to all the worlds.” 
Qur’an, al-Baqarah, 2:251

The modern essentially godless western man is incapable of conceiving that Iran can be speaking the truth in this matter, and is acting in accordance with a moral standard which precludes the possibility of any acquisition of nuclear weapons. Hence the West is preparing the world for yet another Judeo-Christian war of aggression against a non European Muslim people, waged on behalf of the Euro-Jewish State of Israel. The Crusades, it would appear, would only end when Israel replaces USA as the ruling state in the world, and the false Messiah (Anti-Christ) proclaims himself to be the Messiah to the adoring applause of all those who now support Israel, and who journey to Jerusalem to pay homage to her and to thus confirm that support.  

Let them know that the Qur’an has declared that this world is a moral order in which the oppressor will one day come face to face with the truly terrible consequences of his oppression. Muslims are confident that the return of the true Messiah, Jesus the son of Mary (peace and blessings of Allah Most High be upon them both) would result in the triumph of Truth in Islam.

Who Will Attack Iran?

Even as the case for western war on Iran is being built with the same lies, deception and fanatical resolve which attended the commencement of the wars on Iraq and Afghanistan, it is quite clear that a US President who faces increasing difficulties at home in defending an unpopular war on Iraq cannot easily embark upon another war on Iran. There would be serious political risks for him, and for his party, in such a dangerous and misguided military adventure. Indeed, if USA launches war on Iran, and occupies Iran’s oil belt, and this provokes an immensely strengthened armed resistance to its occupation of Iraq, Afghanistan and Iran, President Bush could be impeached.

If USA cannot lead the war on Iran then it would be impossible for Britain to do so. Whether it is by design or by chance, that leaves only one European nation capable of taking the lead in a war on Iran, and that is the Euro-Jewish State of Israel. 

Will It Be A Nuclear War?

Iran neither wants war with Israel, nor is preparing to commence one. Iran would suffer immensely from war with Israel, while Israel would hardly suffer any significant losses from a war for which she is more than adequately prepared. Israel, also, would not want to wage such war on any Muslim people at this time that would require Jewish invasion and occupation of Muslim territory. Rather, the armies of the western world as well as their client-state allies have been used as cannon-fodder for such ground combat. 

Israel has been waging war on the Palestinian people with awesome firepower from the air, as well as with small fast moving commando teams infiltrating their territory in hit-and-run missions. Israeli conventional wars have also been of very short duration (six days, for example) so that they do not allow the Muslim world sufficient time to mobilize for Jihad. If western troops hesitate to face the horrendously dangerous mission of physically occupying Iran’s oil belt, then the alternative would have to be a lightning aerial attack so powerful and destructive that it would pulverize and incapacitate Iran. Only nuclear warfare can deliver such a result. We can now understand the French President’s helping hand in preparing public opinion to accept such an eventuality. He recently warned that France would not hesitate to respond with nuclear weapons, if necessary, in the event that France became the target of a terrorist attack.  

The lightning Israeli attack on Iraq’s Osiraq nuclear reactor in June 1981, shortly before the reactor was scheduled to go into operation, resulted in its complete destruction. Yet Israel has not faced any significant retaliation or suffered any loss at all from that blatant act of aggression. US-led attacks on Iraq in 1991, and again ten years later, made it impossible for that country to ever respond effectively to the Israeli aggression.  

If Israel does attack Iran, its military strategy would be to cripple that country and make it impossible for Iran to mount an effective armed response. Israel would therefore expand her military targets beyond the Iranian nuclear sites, and while it is certain that fighter aircraft with guided missiles would be used to attack a host of targets scattered all over Iran, it is likely that Israel would resort to use of nuclear weapons.  

Nuclear weapons could be used, for example, to so destroy Iran’s oil and gas installations that it would be impossible to restore the export of Iranian oil and gas for years to come. The consequence for the Iranian economy, which is largely dependent on oil revenues, would be disastrous. Indeed the economy would grind to a halt, and in the economic chaos that would follow, it would be unthinkable for Iran to launch any kind of conventional or nuclear war on Israel for many years to come.  

Alternatively, Israel could seek to seize Iran’s oil and gas in an attempt to control the world’s oil and gas resources. A nuclear attack on Iran would result in a spectacular rise in the price of oil and that, in turn, would permit Israel to hold the world to ransom for oil while advancing her bid to establish Israeli rule over the whole world. For that reason the use of nuclear weapons could be restricted to so incapacitating Iran that it would be impossible for that country’s armed forces to defend the oil-belt that the unholy triple alliance wants to seize. 

To be Continued....

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