
Friday 12 August 2016



The careful study of the Qur’an and the Ahadith of Prophet Muhammad (s) which we have undertaken in our book, ‘Jerusalem in the Qur’an’, makes it clear that the supreme Israeli goal, which was clearly the major objective of the September 11th attack on America, was to pave the way for Israel to replace USA as the ‘Ruling State’ in the world.  The ‘true’ Messiah is supposed to rule the world from the throne of David (i.e., Israel and Jerusalem).  In order for the ‘false’ Messiah or Anti-Christ (i.e. Dajjal) to convince the Jews of his credentials (as Messiah) he would thus have to do the same.  He would thus have to:

i.                    Liberate the Holy Land of non-Jewish rule,
ii.                  Bring the Jews back to the Holy Land to reclaim it in the name of Judaism, 
iii.                Establish a State of Israel and convince the Jews that it is the Israel of David (s),
iv.                Cause that Israel to become the Ruling State in the world,
v.                  Appear himself in person in order to rule the world from Jerusalem.

This book directs attention to the fact that (i- iii) above have already been achieved, while (iv) is about to be achieved, and (v) may not take long to occur.

In fact the world now stands at a moment in time quite similar to that moment in the summer of 1914 when another brilliantly planned act of terrorism (the assassination of the Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary) resulted in a big war which brought Britain, the ‘Ruling State’ to its knees, and allowed USA to replace Britain as the new ‘Ruling State’ in the world.  That war also delivered to the Jews the Balfour Declaration and, with it, the return of the Jews to the Holy Land and the establishment of the State of Israel. Western secular civilization was so spiritually blind at that time that it could not see that it was ‘led by the nose’ into a First World 14th War that killed millions of Europeans. That civilization, which could not recognize those who were responsible for the act of terrorism in 1914, is today similarly incapable of recognizing that the same people are responsible for the September 11th attack on America!

Clearly USA, the ‘Ruling State’, cannot be brought to its knees other than through a collapse of the US economy and the US dollar. That is precisely what could have occurred had President Bush been assassinated. The continuing threats to USA, even as we write, and after the whole world has ganged- up against Islam, the Qur’an, and Prophet Muhammad (s), and even after the US war on Usama and his men, indicates that the Jewish effort to bring about the collapse of the US economy and the US dollar is still being actively pursued. 

Henry Ford, the famous American industrialist who manufactured Ford motorcars warned America of this danger as early as 1919-20. After the First World War, he realized the havoc being wrought by Jewish international financiers.  He commissioned the most intelligent researchers to make a thorough study of the international Jew and published their findings in 1919-20 in the ‘Dearborn Independent’, the official organ of the Ford Motor Company. It was later published as a book entitled, ‘The International Jew’.  It has recently been reprinted in Malaysia and is widely available at local bookstores.

The American economy has not as yet collapsed but the writing is on the wall that it is under attack by enemies who are embedded within the system itself.  If and when the US economy does collapse, and if and when Israel also succeeds in establishing its military dominance and control over the whole region and in dramatically expanding the territory of the State in defiance of the whole world, Israel would then succeed USA as the ‘Ruling State’ in the world. When that happens the world would be greatly surprised, but the true followers of the Arabian Prophet (s) would not be surprised at all! 

It is Islam that describes the destiny that would then await Jerusalem, a destiny that would eventually witness Islam re-emerging as the ‘Ruling State’ in the world.  That moment of triumph for Islam would come when a Muslim army emerges from Khorasan and, in the process of destroying the State of Israel, liberates the Holy Land: 

“Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet (s) said: Black banners shall emerge from Khorasan (i.e. area which now includes Afghanistan, NW Pakistan, NE Iran, Central Asia north of Afghanistan etc.), and no force will be able to stop them until they are inserted in Aelia (Jerusalem).”
(Sunan Tirmidhi)

This hadith of the blessed Prophet makes it abundantly clear that Jerusalem will be liberated through an armed Islamic struggle.  Indeed the Prophet (s) went on to order Muslims to join that army “even if they have to crawl over ice” (i. e., even if they have to defy the godless governments and their world government in the UN which today control the world and which are hell-bent on obstructing Muslims from obeying such commands of the Prophet (s)).

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