
Friday 5 August 2016



Secondly, the reversal of the public relations disaster also allowed Israel, now ‘off the hook’, to merrily continue pursuing its policy of deliberate provocation and constant escalation of the bloody conflict against Arabs and Muslims without any significant impediment, not even from the US Government.  That was no mean achievement.

Israel’s long-term strategy, in its war against Islam, the Qur’an, and the Arabian Prophet who was the last of the Prophets (i.e., Muhammad – peace be upon him), is to deliver a spectacular demonstration of what would appear to validate the ‘truth’ of the Torah (and Bible) and, hence, ‘falsehood’ of the Qur’an.  Such a demonstration would not only demoralize many ignorant Muslims but would also convince Jews that they still remain the ‘chosen people’.  They would be convinced that the return of the ‘golden age’ of Judaism when the Messiah would rule the world from the throne of David (s) is about to be realized.  In fact this book explains that subject. Such a ‘validation’ of ‘Torah’ truth would be achieved through a sudden and dazzling Israeli war that would target the entire region around the Holy Land.  This was the reason for Sharon’s coldly calculated act of provocation.  That war, which is about to take place even as we write this book, would result in such an expansion of the territory of the Jewish State as would fulfill the declaration of the Torah (and Bible) that the boundaries of the Holy Land (hence Israel) stretch from “the river of Egypt (the Nile?) to the river Euphrates (in Iraq)”. 

It is now clear that the purpose of the Gulf war of 1991 was to so cripple Iraq as would permit Israel to swallow it effortlessly some ten years later.  That goal has clearly been achieved.  Iraq is ready for the plucking.  It is also clear that the purpose of what certainly appears to have been a Mossad attack on America on September 11th was to provoke USA into such a war, ‘helter-skelter’, against so many States in the region as would facilitate Israel’s big war of expansion.  The US war was also supposed to provide Israel with the opportunity to neutralize Pakistan’s nuclear weapons capacity and Iran’s missile capacity, the marriage of which still constitutes the only significant remaining obstacle that prevents Israel from launching its spectacular war of territorial expansion. 

That goal has not as yet been achieved because the ‘highjacked’ aircraft that was supposed to crash into Air Force One (or the White House), to kill the US President, and to force USA into that major war, crashed instead in Pennsylvania.  The Mossad and its allies had not calculated for some passengers on that fourth aircraft receiving calls on their cellular phones.  Those calls may have caused electronic interference with the aircraft operating systems (regardless of whether those systems were remote controlled or auto controlled or manual), and may have caused the crash.  It is also possible that passengers attacked the ‘highjackers’ and that the crash was caused by the ensuing struggle. And so the US war now has to be pursued incrementally.

Israel can still profit, however, from the brilliant transfer of power that was first achieved in Pakistan, a transfer that replaced a civilian regime with a military one. Only a military regime (and certainly not a civilian regime) could have taken the decision to support USA in its war on Islamic Afghanistan.  It was therefore necessary to first put a military government in place in Pakistan before the attack on America on September 11th could take place.  The Pakistan military that seized power from Prime Minister Nawaaz Shareef in circumstances appearing to be conspiratorial, had no alternative but to bow to the American demand for support in the war on Afghanistan’s Taliban government.  A refusal of that American demand would have cost the Pakistan military the cover that they needed in order to keep up the pretence that there was no conspiracy involved in their assumption of power. Once the Pakistan Government consented to support USA in its war against Afghanistan’s Taliban government the trap was set.  Saddam Hussain walked into such a trap 10 years ago.  The Pakistan military walked into a similar trap 10 years later.

This book anticipates that the US/UK- led alliance will wage a protracted war in Afghanistan and elsewhere for the express purpose, among other things, of provoking a civil war in Pakistan.  If and when elements in the Pakistan armed forces eventually revolt and join popular forces opposed to the Government’s policy of support for USA, and civil war breaks out in Pakistan, such would be the cue for USA to lead its 11 international coalition in an attack on Pakistan’s nuclear plants where the nuclear weapons are produced.  If this opportunity does not present itself they probably have a number of alternatives through which to achieve this objective. In fact, USA and its allies may very well go on to transform Pakistan into another Turkey or Iraq, or to preside over the (further) break- up of Pakistan.  Israel and India may or may not have to participate directly in that attack on Pakistan’s nuclear plant, but Israel and India will surely be involved in the strategic planning of the attack.  As soon as Pakistan’s nuclear power is destroyed Israel will launch her big war of territorial expansion and India will be free to dismantle the State of Pakistan.

If elementary intelligence were supported by minimal internal intuitive spiritual insight, (something that is in amazingly short supply in the western civilization which now rules the world), it would allow one to recognize the Israeli Mossad and its allies as the prime suspect responsible for the absolutely brilliant planning and execution of the diabolical attack on America.  Indeed if Usama bin Ladin and his small al-Qaidah group of fighters could have successfully planned and executed such a stunning attack that stingingly humiliated the ‘Ruling State’ in the world then ‘a cow could also jump over the moon’! 

Muslims should also pay heed to the stern warning of the Qur’an ‘not to accept at face value news which comes from a manifestly sinful source lest one unwittingly harms another and lives to regret it’:

 “ O ye who believe! If a sinful person comes to you with any news, ascertain the truth, lest ye harm people unwittingly, and afterwards become full of regret for what ye have done.”
(Qur’an, al-Hujurat, 49:6)
A modern secular western civilization and its carbon copies around the world who accuse Usama bin Ladin of responsibility for the attack on America, and provide no evidence of this to the public, can hardly escape from being recognized as ‘sinful’. On the other hand Usama bin Ladin, who worships the true God of Abraham, has emphatically denied responsibility for the attack.  Prophet Muhammad (s) has defined a Muslim as “one from whose tongue and hand other Muslims are safe”.  It is the duty of all true believers to accept as truth Usama bin Ladin’s denial of responsibility for the attack until and unless there is clear and valid evidence that demonstrates that he is not speaking the truth.  Praise be to Allah that Muslims (other than some one-eyed Islamic scholars) have overwhelmingly rejected the fabricated evidence that has so far surfaced!

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