
Friday 11 March 2016

Repentance: The Only Way to Salvation - Lessons From History

Repentance: The Only Way to Salvation

What needs to be done, therefore, if we are to escape from the impending catastrophe, is to turn towards Allah (SWT), repent truly, and make a solemn vow to practice Islam in its totality.

The starting point of collective repentance of a nation is repentance by its individual members. This must include a real feeling of regret, a firm resolve never to repeat the sins, followed by actual change in behavior, and, in the case of any violation of the rights of other human beings, an appropriate compensation or asking for forgiveness from the aggrieved party. This individual repentance, if performed with its true spirit, does guarantee forgiveness from Almighty Allah (SWT) in the Hereafter. It does not mean, however, that the individual will escape any collective Divine punishment that might befall his nation (Al-Qur’an Al-Anfaal 8:25), except in the case when he had  used  all  available  resources  and  had  tried his utmost to persuade others to give up their sinful practices (Al-Qur’an Al- A‘raaf 7:165).

The  desired  state  of  collective  repentance  can  be achieved only when first of all a considerable number of individuals would repent and mend their ways; then they unite themselves into a cohesive force and change the main trend of the society by their exhortation and persuasion, their enjoining the good and forbidding the evil, leading to a revolution in thought as well as behavior. And then, in order to change the whole politico-socio-economic setup, a popular resistance movement would have to be launched, which will bring about the desired transformation through a non-violent revolutionary struggle. 

At the same time, a strong nucleus of Iman or true faith has to be created within the educated classes, especially among the intelligentsia, which would act as a center for rekindling the light of Iman throughout the whole society, and thus generate an intellectual base and popular support for the revolutionary struggle  The  establishment  of  the  Islamic  System  of  Social Justice would then represent our collective repentance.

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