
Friday 18 March 2016

Epilogue - Lessons From History


Prophet Muhammad (SAW) has prophesied that a time would come when the Muslims, though great in number, would be as weak and ineffective as the scum on the surface of flood waters.

One can hardly doubt that we are living in that age. Our miserable state of existence, as we have seen, is the direct result of our own deeds: Our turning away from the guidance of the Holy Qur’an and the way of Prophet Muhammad (SAW). Fortunately, our salvation in the Hereafter and our prosperity, honor, and domination in this world are a matter of choice rather than luck.

We have been suffering from the ill effects of our sins for too long. Has the time not yet come for the hearts of the believers to be moved and soften? Or are we waiting for The Punishment to appear right before our eyes?

It’s time to wake up; it is also the time to act.

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