
Friday 8 January 2016

The Ascent of Humanity - Lessons From History

The Ascent of Humanity

The global domination of Islam also appears inevitable in the context of the idea of cosmic evolution, as explained in the following paragraphs:

In sharp contrast to all the materialistic theories of modern science, the Holy Qur’an teaches us that Allah (SWT) is the only real force behind every creative activity that takes place in the universe. The clear and obvious signs of purpose and direction in the cosmos indicate that there is an intelligent mind at work, as pure chance could only have produced total chaos. The cosmic existence, as the Holy Qur’an proclaims again and again, is something profoundly meaningful. The evolution of the universe  in  the  direction  of  a  predetermined  goal  is  what provides everything with a single grand purpose. The universe is continuously in a process of evolution, constantly working to perfect itself.

According to Dr. Muhammad Rafiuddin (whose philosophy of history was mentioned earlier), the cause of the evolution of cosmos is the desire or the will of the Creator. This desire or will of Allah (SWT) is flowing in the universe as a current of consciousness, changing the universe with a view to bringing it to the stage of its highest perfection. This cosmic evolution can be described as taking place in several stages, as follows:

The first stage was that of physical evolution, from the Big Bang up to the time when simple chemical compounds grew into complex organic molecules, leading to the emergence of life on earth. This stage of purely physical change was directed by the  Divine  current  of  consciousness  that  continuously  runs through  all  matter,  causing  it  to  behave  in  specific  ways, commonly known as the “laws of nature.”

The second stage was that of biological evolution, when the   same   current   of   consciousness   took  the   form  of  an indwelling life-force (compare Bergson’s élan vital), which directed the process towards the creation of the perfect animal, the Homo sapiens. It has been theorized on the basis of the pointers in the Holy Qur’an that, at this stage, Almighty Allah (SWT) selected a single pair of these human-animals, and endowed them with their spiritual souls; this was the creation of Adam and Eve, the primordial human pair.

The third stage was that of intellectual evolution, when the current of consciousness took the form of an urge for Beauty and Perfection, expressing itself in the love of an ideal (compare Freud’s Libido), guiding the process towards the climax of intellectual and psychological development, that was finally achieved in the personality of Prophet Ibrahim (AS).

The fourth stage was that of the collective social evolution  of  humanity,  reaching  its  zenith  in  the  life  and teachings of Prophet Muhammad (SAW), when the true way of life or Deen al-Huq was perfected and the ideal system of social, economic, and political Justice was presented to the mankind in its final form.

At the present moment, humanity is passing through the final stage of its evolution. The Divine current of consciousness is still active in the collective mind of humanity, urging and guiding us towards the ultimate state of human perfection, i.e., towards the establishment of the global culture-civilization that will be based upon the teachings of the Qur’an. In this way the philosophy   of   Ideals,   as   developed   by   Dr.   Muhammad Rafiuddin, makes it even more understandable how the global domination of Islam before the end of the world is inevitable from an evolutionary stand point.

This global domination of Islam has been clearly predicted in the sayings of Prophet Muhammad (SAW), three of which are quoted below:

(1) According to a tradition that is narrated by Imam Ahmad (RA) on the authority of Nauman Ibn Bashir (RAA), Prophet Muhammad (SAW) is reported to have said to his Companions: “The period of Prophethood will remain among you so long as Allah wills, then He shall cause it to end. After that, there will be Khilafah among you on the pattern of Prophethood, and this will last as long as Allah wills, and then He shall cause it to end. After that, there will be a reign of oppressive monarchy, and this will also last as long as Allah wills, and then He shall cause it to end. After that there will be a period of enslavement, and this will last as long as Allah wills, then He shall cause it to end. Finally, there will again be Khilafah on the pattern of Prophethood.”

(2)  In  another tradition narrated by Imam Muslim (RA) on the authority of Thauban (RAA), the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) is reported to have said: “Allah (SWT) folded up the whole earth for me (in a vision), so that I was able to see all the easts and all the wests, and surely the domination of my followers will be established over all those places that were shown to me by thus folding the earth.”

(3) Imam Ahmad (RA) has narrated, on the authority of Miqdad Ibn Aswad (RAA), that the Prophet of God (SAW) is reported to have said: “There shall be no house on the entire earth — neither of bricks nor one made of camel’s skin — but Allah (SWT) will cause the word of Islam to enter it, either with the honor of the one who deserves honor, or with the subjugation of the one who is defeated.” (That is to say, God will confer honor on some and they will embrace Islam, and He will cause the others to give up fighting and they will surrender before the rule of Islam.) ****

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