
Friday 1 January 2016

The Ascendancy of Islam - Lessons From History

The Ascendancy of Islam

There  are  a  few cryptic  remarks  in  the Holy Qur’an regarding the events which will precede the Doomsday; these points are fully explained in the form of detailed prophecies that appear   in   the   traditions   of   Prophet   Muhammad (SAW). According to these prophecies four major events will happen before the end of the world; in chronological sequence, they are as follows:

(1) The Ultimate World War of human history, which will be fought predominantly in the Middle East;

(2) The appearance of Anti-Christ, or Dajjal, in the final phase of that war — a leader who will inflict huge sufferings and destruction on Arab Muslims;

(3) The reappearance of Prophet Isa (AS), who will cause the extermination of Dajjal and his Jewish followers; and finally,

(4) The establishment of the system of Khilafah, or the domination of Islam, over the entire globe.

Except for the reappearance of Prophet Isa (AS), there is nothing supernatural or incredible in these prophecies, as we shall discuss shortly. The very idea of the global domination of Islam however, seems like a fool’s fantasy, keeping in view the present state of humiliation of the Muslims and their virtual enslavement by the New World Order.

Under the existing state of affairs, which is both distressing and disheartening, we must keep on reminding ourselves that the ascendancy of Islam over the entire globe is bound to come, as this has been emphatically foretold by none other than the Last Messenger of Allah (SWT) himself, may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him. Although there is no such explicit and unequivocal guarantee in the Holy Qur’an, we find that both the minor and major premises of this syllogism are repeatedly mentioned, the inescapable conclusion of which is the ultimate establishment of world-wide supremacy of Islam. 
The major premise consists of the fact that Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was appointed a messenger and envoy of Almighty Allah (SWT) for the whole humanity (Al-Qur’an Al-A‘raaf 7:158; Al- Anbia  21:107;  Al-Furqan  25:1;  Saba  34:28;  &  Al-Jum‘ah 62:2,3), whereas the minor premise is represented by the Divine assertion that the true way of life or Deen al-Haq will be made superior over the entire system of life (Al-Taubah 9:33; Al-Fath 48:24; & Al-Saff 61:9), and that God the Almighty is going to perfect His Light despite all the resistance from the unbelievers (Al-Taubah 9:32 & Al-Saff 61:8). 

The logical conclusion that necessarily follows from these premises is that the real purpose and  the  ultimate  aim  of  the  advent  of  Prophet  Muhammad (SAW) will be fulfilled only with the establishment of the ascendancy of Islam over the entire mankind, all over the world.

This  has  been  promised  by  Almighty  Allah  (SWT)  in  these words:

God has promised that He will surely make those of you who believe and do the right, vicegerents in the land, as He had made those before them, and He will surely establish their Deen which He has chosen for them, and He will surely change their state of fear into peace and security. (Al-Noor 24:55)

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