
Friday 9 January 2015

The Way to Salvation - Eloquence with categorical Emphasis

Eloquence with categorical Emphasis:

The fourth conclusion obtained by analyzing and paraphrasing this surah (Al 'Asr) is that the above three conclusions are categorical and most emphatic in their nature and that there is no doubt concerning any of them. 

Our whole faith rests upon accepting the Glorious Quran as the word of Allah and accepting this word as infallible. And who can be more truthful in his statements than Allah? Moreover, Allah has not merely stated these truths, but has taken an oath for confirming their validity. 

This oath makes this statement more emphatic, and whatever realities are hidden in it, and whatever moral lessons are conveyed by it, are all of them delivered with complete certainty, free from all doubts and compromise. 

This means that mankind is unknowingly moving towards utter loss and is on the verge of destruction, with the exception of those who have fulfilled these four conditions of ‘faith’, ‘righteous deeds’, ‘exhortation to truth’, and ‘exhortation to patience’, and has passed all tests and ordeals which come in the way of fulfilling these conditions.

These are the four basic conclusions which can be drawn by contemplating on this glorious surah. In fact this is the gist of Surah Al-’Asr, according to the practice of Tazakkur-bil-Quran in order to obtain its basic meaning.

Now I want you to study and understand every word of this surah rather in depth, in order to make clear that inspire of its simple wording great realities are concealed in it, and gems of wisdom and prudence are hidden in it.

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