
Friday 26 December 2014

The Way to Salvation - The Minimum Conditions and Essential prerequisites of Salvation

The Minimum Conditions and Essential prerequisites of Salvation:

This surah describes only the minimum conditions and the essential prerequisites for salvation, not the highest stages of achievement, nor the lofty ranks of success and accomplishment. 

It explains the minimum demanded of us for our salvation. Anything less would be failure. It does not mention first or second division, grades ‘A’ or ‘B’ of success, but only states the mere passing grade, the minimum requirement for our success.

This second conclusion has very important implications for our actions. The extreme decadence of the moral and practical life of Muslims is a result of their forgetting this injunction of the Glorious Quran. 

The realization that this is the minimum standard of success will necessarily produce the proportionate effort, struggle, and sacrifice for achieving it. People who strive for the lofty ranks and sublime stages of religious excellence are rare. 

Most men only try to fulfil the minimum requirements for salvation in one way or another. This is why in this glorious surah the minimum demands of salvation have been described in simplest terms so that people may dedicate themselves to its achievement according to their capability.

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