
Friday 12 December 2014

The Two Levels of Understanding Quran

The Two Levels of Understanding Quran

Before describing the significance of this surah, it is important to state the fundamental principle that the Quran can be comprehended on many levels. The real lesson which is implicit in any surah or verse of the Holy Quran should be made explicit in order that the basic guidance regarding hu-man conduct may be attained. 

The Glorious Quran calls this Tazakkur-bil-Quran, i.e., realizing through the Quran the fundamental truths implicit in human nature. From this point of view, the Glorious Quran is the easiest of books to understand. 
The highest stage of contemplation of Quranic verses has been termed Tadabbur-i-Quran, which means reflecting and pondering over every word deeply, in order to deduce the philosophy and the wisdom of the Holy Book. In this sense the Holy Quran is the most difficult of books as it is not easy to attain the depth of its meaning.

In this paper, I will describe clearly and in detail the basic guidance obtained through the application of Tazakkur-bil Quran to Surah Al-’Asr. I will also include some hints concerning Tadabbur-i-Quran so that those who are interested in the deeper contemplation of the Quran may also benefit.

The English Translation of Surah AI-’Asr:
A simple translation of the surah is as follows:
  1. By Time,
  2. Verily all human beings are in loss,
  3. Except those who have achieved ‘Faith’, have performed Righteous deeds, and have emphasized to each other the teaching of ‘Truth’ and (the value of) ‘Patience’ (perseverance and constancy).
Analysis of the Translation:
The three verses in this surah form one complete sentence. The first verse “Wal-’Asr” is an oath. The second verse describes a general rule. The third verse describes an exception from that general rule. Combined together, all the three verses constitute a single statement.
Please implant this simple statement firmly and clearly in your mind. And by pondering over it, you should deduce four conclusions which are the basic lessons of this surah.

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