
Friday 5 December 2014

Four Fundamental Points Regarding Surah Al-’Asr:

 Surah Al-’Asr:
  1. The first point is that this is one of the earliest surahs of the Glorious Quran to be revealed. It was revealed to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) in the earliest period of his prophet hood in Makkah.
  2. The second point is that it is one of the shortest surahs of the Glorious Quran as it has only three verses, the first of which is comprised of only one word “WaI-Asr”.
  3. The third point is that it is one of the most comprehensive surahs of the Glorious Quran. The Holy Quran is a book of guidance for all mankind, which has been revealed to guide mankind on the road to success and salvation. This path of salvation towards which the Holy Quran guides us has been described with utmost brevity and comprehensiveness in this short surah.The whole Glorious Quran is like a tree, and this short surah is its seed. And as a seed contains the total potentiality of a whole tree, Surah Al-’Asr contains the essence of the Holy Quran.This is why some reports of the Companions of the Holy Prophet (may Allah be pleased with them) indicate that whenever two of them met and sat together they never parted without reciting Surah Al-’Asr to each other.
And this can be the reason why Imam Al-Sha’feii (may Allah bless him) has said about this surah that if the people were to ponder over this surah alone, it would suffice for their guidance. He has also been reported as saying that if nothing else would have been revealed in this Glorious Quran except this surah then this surah would have been sufficient for man’s guidance.
  1. The fourth point is that the wording of this surah is very simple and easy to understand. The masterpieces of literature of every language are sublime in subject matter and meaning but so simple in style and wording that they can be understood by all. This is why such pieces of literature are easily accessible to everyone. The Glorious Quran is the most eminent masterpiece of Arabic literature and in its totality can be understood easily. But this short surah is the best example of the most lucid surahs of the Holy Quran. Though it is very complete and all-embracing, not a single high-sounding or elusive word has been used in it. Its words are familiar even to those who are only acquainted with Urdu or Persian, and do not know Arabic.

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