
Tuesday 19 November 2013



Q.   What do we mean by I'tikaf (seclusion)?
*  I'tikaf means staying in a Masjid as a mode of worship with the intention to please Al-lah. The stay should be in a Masjid where prayer is said in congregation.

Q.   Why is it considered a form of worship to stay in the Masjid?
*  It is but natural that stay in a Masjid should be considered as an aspect of worship and a source of Al-lah’s pleasure because by doing so a person ensures his staying away from his wandering, his amusements, his revelries and his daily vocation.

Q.   At which place should a woman sit in seclusion?
*  She should sit in seclusion in her own house at the place used by her for offering Salat. With the intention to sit in I'tikaf, she should remain there all the time. She should not leave the place or go to the courtyard or any part of the house, except for easing the call of nature. If, however, no place is fixed for worship in the house, she should earmark a spot for the purpose and sit there.

Q.   Enumerate some of the benefits accruing from I'tikaf?
*  The following are some of the benefits of I'tikaf:
             i.     A person in I'tikaf in a way dedicates his entire body and time to the worship of Al-lah;
           ii.     Such a person keeps away from involvement in worldly affairs and therefore many possible acts of sin;
         iii.     Being in a state of seclusion makes him as though he were all the time busy, saying his prayers. For he is in effect all the time sitting in wait for Salat and congregational prayers;
          iv.     While in seclusion a person emulates the morals of angels because he is constantly worshipping and glorifying Al-lah;
            v.     Masjid being the house of Al-lah, a person in seclusion there is Al-lah’s neighbor, nay he is Al-lah’s very guest there.

Q.   How many types of I'tikaf are there?
*  I'tikaf could be of three types:
             i.     Ordained;
           ii.     Emphasized precept of the Prophet (peace be on him) and
         iii.     Desirable.

Q.   Which I'tikaf is ordained?
*  I'tikaf in response to a vow is ordained. It would occur if a person took a vow that should Al-lah answer his such and such prayer, he would sit for Al-lah for two or three or more days.

Q.   Which I'tikaf is the emphasized precept of the Prophet (peace be on him)?
*  I'tikaf for the last ten days of Ramadhan is the Prophet’s emphasized precept. It should start on the 20th of Ramadhan in the evening (at sunset) and end with the sighting of Id moon regardless whether the moon has been sighted on the 29th or the 30th of Ramadhan. This is an emphasized but sufficing precept of the Prophet (peace be on him). Which means that even if a few people do it, all the rest are absolved of their responsibility.

Q.   Which I'tikaf is desirable?
*  All seclusion other than those that are either ordained or the Prophet’s emphasized precept are desirable. I'tikaf is allowed on any day of the year.

Q.   What are the conditions for I'tikaf to be in order?
*  Preconditions for I'tikaf are:
             i.     One’s being a Muslim;
           ii.     Being clear of major uncleanness or menstruation (in the case of women);
         iii.     Sane state of mind;
          iv.     Having the intention to sit in seclusion;
            v.     Sitting for seclusion in a Masjid where congregational prayer is regularly held.
All these are conditions of general nature which hold good for all kinds of seclusion. In which hold good for all kinds of seclusion. In case of Wajib I'tikaf, however the person concerned must also be fasting.

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