
Sunday 17 November 2013



Q.   What is the Kaffara (expiation) for the deliberate breaking of fast?
*  The actual expiation is freeing a slave. But as slaves are no longer found in this part of world, expiation could take two forms: either to fast continuously for two months or if one does not have strength enough to stand two months fasting, he should feed sixty poor and hungry persons to their fill two times a day or in lieu give compensation to sixty persons at the rate of one seer and three quarters at the rate of one seer and three quarters of wheat or price thereof or some other food grains as rice, miller etc. (seer here means a seer equal in weight to eighty English one rupee coins).

Q.   Is it permissible to give the entire quantity of food grain (2 maunds and 25 seers) meant for sixty destitute to a single needy person?
*  Yes, it is allowed provided one seer and three quarters of wheat is given to a single individual each day for sixty days or he is fed twice a day for as many days. But if more than the measure of food grain or the price prescribed for one day is given to a person in one lump, it shall still be counted as expiation for one day and no more.

Q.   How is it if less than one seer and three quarters of wheat is given to a needy person?
*  It is permissible neither to give more nor less than the measure prescribed for one day to a person in a single day.

Q.   What is the injunction about a person who breaks several fasts of Ramadhan in the middle?
*  Only one expiation will be due from him.

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