
Sunday 15 September 2013



Q.   What is Sijdah in Tilawah?
*  Tilawah means recitation. There are a few points in the Qur-an which, if come across, either in reading or listening, make a Sijdah compulsory for those who read or hear them. These are known as the Sijdah in recitation.

Q.   How many such points are there in the Qur-an which, if come across in reading or hearing render a Sijdah necessary?
*  There are fourteen such points in the whole of the Qur-an. These are also knows as fourteen Sijdahs.

Q.   How and when to do the Sijdah if one recites the Sijdah verse outside Salat?
*  It is better to do the Sijdah concurrently with the recitation of the verse that necessitates such a Sijdah. Doing it later is also all right. Delaying it unduly is undesirable.
For a Sijdah outside Salat the correct procedure is to say the Takbir while you are on your legs, then go to Sijdah and be on your legs again, saying Takbir. Sijdah done from a sitting position followed by another sitting is also permitted.

Q.   What are the conditions precedent to Sijdah in recitation?
*  Conditions precedent to Salat also holds good the Sijdah in recitation. These are:
             i.     Cleanness of body;
           ii.     Cleanness of clothes;
         iii.     Cleanness of site;
          iv.     Concealable parts of the body being covered;
            v.     Face being turned towards Qiblah;
          vi.     Making intention to do the Sijdah in recitation.

Q.   What things invalidate a Sijdah in recitation?
*  The factors that invalidate the Salat also nullify the Sijdah in recitation.

Q.   What must one do if one has recited a Sijdah verse twice or more than twice?
*  Only one Sijdah is to be done if a single Sijdah verse is recited or heard twice or more than twice in one sitting.

Q.   What is the injunction for one who has recited two different Sijdah verses in one setting or the same verse in two different sittings?
*  As many Sijdahs have to be done as is the number of the different verses recited in one sitting or of the different sittings in which a single verse has been recited.

Q.   How is it if one skips over the Sijdah verse in reciting the Qur-an?
*  It is an undesirable act.

Q.   How is it if one who is reciting the Qur-an aloud in company, recites the Sijdah verse at a low pitch outside the hearing of others.
*  It is not only permissible but desirable.

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