
Thursday 19 September 2013



Q.   Under what circumstances can a sick person say his Salat in the sitting posture?
*  A sick person can offer Salat in the sitting posture in anyone of the following circumstances:
             i.     He has no strength to stand on his legs;
           ii.     Standing causes acute pain to him;
         iii.     Standing is likely to aggravate the disease;
          iv.     Standing is likely to cause giddiness;
            v.     He has strength enough to stand but not to do the bowing or prostrating.
If, however such a person can do the bowing and go prostrate, he should do it.
If not, he should say Salat without it, merely by signs and gestures. The gesture for bowing and prostration is lowering the head. To signal prostration, the head should be lowered more than one does for the bowing.

Q.   What should a person do if he can afford to stand for a certain period of time but not throughout?
*  He is duty-bound to stand only as long as he can afford it.

Q.   What should a sick person do if he has no strength even to sit?
*  Let him lie down and pray. To do so, he should preferably lie down supine and direct his feet towards Qiblah. He should not stretch his legs, but bend the knees double. He should also rest his head on a pillow etc., so that the head is raised. He should make signs by the head to mark the bowing and prostration.
Instead of lying supine (which is preferable) he may also lie down on his right side with face turned towards the north or on his left side facing south and say his Salat by sign. Of these two postures the former in which one turns to the right side is preferable.

Q.   What should a sick person do if he has no strength even to say his Salat by sign?
*  If he has no strength even to make signs by the head, he should delay his prayers. If he persists in such a plight beyond a day and night, he is not duty bound even to say these missed prayers afterwards. Nevertheless, if he regains strength to make signs by the head within twenty four hours, he is duty bound to say his missed Salat as missed prayers (which cannot in any case be more than five).

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