
Sunday 4 August 2013



Q.   What do we mean by the term invalidators of Salat?
*  Invalidators of Salat are things and circumstances which nullify the prayer and render it necessary for the worshippers to revise it.

Q.   Name the invalidators of Salat!
*  These are the following:
             i.     Any speech in Salat, whether intentional or unintentional, big or small, nullifies the prayer;
           ii.     Wishing anyone in whatever terms (eg. Saying AS-SALAMU ‘ALAIKUM or other words used for the purpose);
         iii.     Returning another person’s wish, or blessing or responding to one who sneezes (with words lie WA‘LAIKUM-AS-SALAM or WA RAHMATULLAH ), or saying amen in response to the invocation of some one not joining the Salat;
          iv.     Reacting to a bad news by the words like IN-NA LIL-LAHI WA IN-NA ILAIHI RAJI’UN  to a good news by pronouncing ALHAMDU LIL-LAH or on learning an extraordinary news SUBHANAL-LAH;
            v.     Reacting to one’s pain or disease in words or by exclamation like ah, oh, etc.
          vi.     Interpolating in Salat when an error is committed by a person leading another congregation;
        vii.     Reading the Qur-an from the written or printed text;
      viii.     Committing some grave mistake in recitation;
          ix.     Doing too much of some extraneous act (besides the rituals of Salat such as would lead someone to suspect that the person concerned is not offering Salat;
            x.     Eating or drinking, intentional or otherwise;
          xi.     Walking more than two meters;
        xii.     Turning the chest away from Qiblah without any compusion;
      xiii.     Performing Sijdah on an unclean spot;
       xiv.     Remaining with uncovered Satr for as long as one would complete one part of Salat;
         xv.     Asking from Al-lah things in prayer that would properly be asked from human beings, eg., “May Thou O Al-lah, give me one hundred rupees this day.”
       xvi.     Crying in adversity or pain so that words of sorrow or grief become audible to others;
     xvii.     For a major to give a loud laugh or even to laugh audibly;
   xviii.     Forging ahead of the Imam.

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