
Sunday 28 July 2013


Q.   What is the minimum number of people required to form a congregation?
*  Two is the minimum number. One of them would be the head of the prayer (Imam) and the other his follower. But in that case the follower shall stand to the right of the leader (in the same row). If the number of followers is two or more, the head shall stand in front.

Q.   How should people stand in a congregation?
*  They should stand adjoining one another, keeping the rows straight. No space should be left out in between. Children should be made to stand behind. It is undesirable for children to join the row of the grown-up people. Row for ladies should be behind that for the children.

Q.   Will salat of the followers be affected if that of the head of the prayer gets nullified for some reason?
*  Salat of the followers shall get invalidated the moment that of the head of the prayer gets annulled. The followers shall also have to revise it.

Q.   Who deserves to be the head of a prayer?
*  The following persons deserve to be heads of prayers in order of merit –
             i.     A scholar, i.e., a person conversant with matters relating to Salat provided that he is also a person of upright conduct;
           ii.     A person who has more knowledge of the Qur-an and recites it well;
         iii.     One who is more god-fearing;
          iv.     One who is senior in age;
            v.     One who is of a noble nature and of good demeanour;
          vi.     One who is more handsome and commands respect;
        vii.     One who is of nobler blood,

Q.   Who deserves to be the head of a prayer – the permanent Imam of a masjid or a person superior to him, if he happens to be present at the moment in that masjid?
*  The permanent Imam is better than the newly arrived person although he is otherwise superior to the permanent Imam.

Q.   Saying Salat behind what sort of people is undesirable (Makruh)?
*  It is undesirable to say Salat behind people who are
             i.     Innovators (in religion);
           ii.     Transgressors;
         iii.     Illiterate slaves;
          iv.     Ignorant rustics;
            v.     An unscrupulous blind;
          vi.     Ignorant persons of illegitimate parentage.
     But Salat can be said without any scruples behind
             i.     A slave or rustic if he is a man of learning;
           ii.     A blind person if he is scrupulous and educated or recites the Qur-an well;
         iii.     A person of illegitimate parentage if he is learned and righteous, provided that there is no one else superior to those mentioned above present in the masjid.

Q.   Behind what sort of people is it totally forbidden to say Salat?
             i.     Salat offered by a person will not be valid behind a lunatic, a drunkard, a polytheist or an unbeliever.
           ii.     Salat of a major if led be a minor if led by a minor and of men behind women will not be valid.
         iii.     Similarly, Salat of a person who has had a formal ablution will not be valid behind a handicapped person (who has done Tayammum).
          iv.     Salat of a person with covered Satr behind one with uncovered Satr will also not be valid.
            v.     Likewise, Salat of a person performing the Ruku’ (bowing), Sijdah (prostration) will not be valid behind one who is doing these acts by mere sign (because of some excuse or compulsion).
          vi.     Nor that of a person performing the Fard Salat will be valid behind one who is only saying the Nafl prayer.
        vii.     And finally, a person saying Salat for one session (dhuhr, for example) will not be valid behind a person saying Salat of another session (eg. ‘Asr).

Q.   Is it permissible to offer Taravih prayer behind a minor?
*  Even Taravih is not allowed to be offered behind a minor. Nevertheless, if a person has attained to the age of fifteen can lead the prayers even if no other signs of puberty are visible in him.

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