
Monday 19 November 2012



Q. The exact number and names of all the prophets are not known. Still mention the names of some of the prominent ones among them?
*  The names of some of the prominent prophets are:

·         Hadrat Adam                                      peace be on him
·         Hadrat Shith                                       peace be on him
·         Hadrat Nuh                (Noah)             peace be on him
·         Hadrat Ibrahim          (Abraham)      peace be on him
·         Hadrat Isma’il            (Ishmael)        peace be on him
·         Hadrat Is-haq             (Isaaq)             peace be on him
·         Hadrat Ya’qub            (Jacob)             peace be on him
·         Hadrat Yusuf              (Joseph)           peace be on him
·         Hadrat Davud             (David)            peace be on him
·         Hadrat Sulaiman        (Solomon)       peace be on him
·         Hadrat Musa               (Moses)           peace be on him
·         Hadrat Harun             (Aaron)           peace be on him
·         Hadrat Zakariy-ya      (Zacharias)      peace be on him
·         Hadrat Yahya                                     peace be on him
·         Hadrat Ilyas                (Elias)              peace be on him
·         Hadrat Yunus             (Jonah)            peace be on him
·         Hadrat Lut                  (Lot)                peace be on him
·         Hadrat Salin                                       peace be on him
·         Hadrat Hud                 (Hood)             peace be on him
·         Hadrat Shu’aib                                   peace be on him
·         Hadrat ‘Isa                  (Jesus)             peace be on him
Hadrat Muham-mad                          peace be on him, the last and the final prophet.

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