
Sunday 18 November 2012

Muhammad's (PBUH) Life

Q.   Which family does Hadrat Muham-mad (peace be on him) belong to?
*  He belongs to the family of Quraish. This family was the noblest of all Arab families. The members of the Quraish family were acknowledged as leaders of all others. Again, Bani-Hashim was one of the clans of the Quraish. It was the most respectable of all others. The Prophet (peace be on him) comes of this clan. That is why he is also called a Hashim (Hashimite).

Q.   Who was Hashim whose seed is known after him?
*  He was the great grandfather of Hadrat Muham-mad (peace be on him). His parental ancestry runs thus: Hadrat Muham-mad (peace be on him) s/o ‘Abdul-lah s/o ‘Abdul-Mut-talib s/o Hashim s/o ‘Abd-i-Munaf.

Q.   Are there any prophets other than Hadrat Adam (peace be on him) among the ancestors of Hadrat Muham-mad (peace be on him) ?
*  Yes, he is among the descendant of Hadrat Isma’il s/o Hadrat Ibrahim (peace be on them). Besides these two, his forefathers include Hadrat Idris and Hadrat Shith (peace be on him).

Q.   At what age was Hadrat Muham-mad (peace be on him) invested with Prophethood?
*  He was forty years of age when he received the first revelation.

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