
Sunday 23 September 2012



Q.     How many kinds of  Visible Uncleanness are there?
·        It is of two kinds:
(1)   Gross uncleanness (Najasah Ghalidhah)
(2)   Light uncleanness (Najasah Khafifah)

Q.   What are Gross Uncleanness and Light Uncleanness?
·        Uncleanness which is thorough is Gross. The one which is comparatively light id Light Uncleanness.

Q.   What things fall under the category of Gross Uncleanness?
·        Human urine and excrement, excretion of animals, urine of forbidden animals, fluid blood of man and animal, wine and the droppings of hens and ducks fall under the category of Gross Uncleanness.

Q.   What things constitute Light Uncleanness?
·        Urine of Permissible (Halal) animals and the droppings of forbidden (Haram) birds constitute Light Uncleanness.

Q.   How much of Gross Uncleanness id excusable?
·        Gross Uncleanness could have substance or be a fluid. Substantial uncleanness such as excrement to a maximum extent of three grams is excusable while liquid uncleanness like wine or urine is excusable if it covers not more than the circumference of an english one rupee coin. To be excusable means that if one has offered one’s prayer with such uncleanness on the body or clothes, prayer will be considered valid but undesirable. Even this, if deliberate is disallowed.

Q.   How much of Light Uncleanness is excusable ?
·        It is excusable if it covers less than one fourth part of the body or clothing.

Q.   How to cleanse the clothes or body from Major Uncleanness ?
·        Major Uncleanness, whether Gross or Light is removed from the body or clothing by washing it thrice. The clothes must also be wringed after every wash.

Q.   Can such uncleanness be removed with anything other than water ?
·        Yes, cleanness may be achieved with other liquid things like vinegar or melon-water.

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